I was going through some bible verses I had made screenshots of in my phone and a particular one caught my attention. It says, “But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the cattle that were with him in the ark; and God caused a wind to pass over the earth, and the water subsided.” Genesis 8:1. Did you see that? Noah, his family and everything he went into the ark with had already been in the ark for 371 days. Noah had sent a dove three times to check if the water had receded but the dove returned to him without good news. I can imagine at this point what Noah was feeling and he was certainly wondering why the water had not receded as well as when the water will completely subside. If you are currently feeling like Noah, remember the bible tells us in Isaiah 40:31a that “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength…” Noah, his family and everything he took into the Ark with him waited patiently on the Lord. When divine remembrance happens, things happen really fast and you may turn to wonder if you are dreaming. In the second part Genesis 8:1, we see that “God caused a wind to pass over the earth, and the water subsided” almost immediately. In the Book of Esther, there is also an instance of divine remembrance when the King couldn’t sleep and ordered for his book of remembrance to read out to him. Mordecai’s name immediately stood as he asked if he had rewarded Mordecai for saving his life. Mordecai who had seemed like a beggar at the King’s gate was duly rewarded and lifted up right before his mockers (Esther 6:1-14). Another thing you should know about divine remembrance is that it comes with honor, restoration of everything you lost, it brings you joy and freedom from any form of bondage. We see in Psalm 126-130 “When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion; we were like them that dream. Then our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing.” May the Lord remember us this and fill our mouths with laughter in Jesus’ Name, amen! The Psalmist always prays for God to remember him and show him mercy especially in times when he was in distress. In Psalm 98:3, the Psalmist celebrates God’s remembrance when he said “He has remembered His loving kindness and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.” I pray God remembers us and show us His mercy that all men may see the salvation of our God. May He restore to us the opportunities, resources and years we lost in Jesus Gracious name, Amen! May the Lord bless and Keep you!
