Few days ago, while I was worshipping and speaking in tongues, I was making declarations from the Word of God and my mind quickly drifted to the story of joseph the dreamer. When he was 17, he had his first dream where God was revealing His plans for Joseph’s future using ‘sheaves of wheat’ in Genesis 37:5-10. His brothers understood the dream and asked him if was suggesting that he’ll become a king as they’ll bow to him? Not sure if that was how Joseph looked at it. He had a second dream in Genesis 37:9-10 which was similar to the first dream. This triggered jealousy in the hearts of his brother, who didn’t believe he could amount to something. They devised an evil plan to kill him, but later decided to sell him off to slavery in Egypt. Potiphar bought him but it didn’t end well and Joseph ended up in prison. He stayed in prison until he interpreted the dreams of pharaoh’s butler and baker. Well, the Pharaoh’s turn came and God used Joseph to interpret his dream and Joseph finally became what the Lord had revealed ever since he was 17 years old. I know that you already know the story and the turnout of events but what I want to call your attention to is the part where God started a good work in Joseph’s life and carried it to completion (Philippians 1:6). His promises in Christ are ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen.’ (2 Corinthians 1:20). Brethren in Christ, you may not be where you have always desired or even prayed for. Just like Joseph who faced numerous challenges and even went to jail but he kept his gaze on the Author and the Finisher of his faith. He trusted in the promises of God for his life and he wasn’t disappointed. In Genesis 41: 51, joseph names his son Manasseh which means “God has made me forget entirely my troubles and my father’s house.” Trust in the Lord with all your heard and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6) and He’ll make you forget everything that made you cry or question if He sees you. The Almighty God has started a good work in your life and He won’t until it is complete. Never forget that you are God’s masterpiece. You’re Blessed with All Blessings in Christ!
