Greetings to you lovely family, I’m grateful for your love and concern towards this blog. Even when I don’t post you’re there to encourage and make me know, I’m not alone, which gives me so much hope. I’ve had to deal with so much but thanks be to God, for His unfailing love that has strengthened me for His eternal purpose. So I have this prayer program that I organized for myself, to build up my faith in Christ. Every day, when I pray or when I exercise etc., I make confessions of faith; speaking into my week, my day so that my mind can be stayed of Christ and His Word. So I have put these confessions of faith so that we can affirm them daily over our lives in times like this. There’s a lot of negativity and hopelessness in the world these days and the only way we can support one another is to encourage them in their walk of faith. Don’t forget that the Bible commends us to speak to one another in Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs making melody in our hearts unto God (Ephesians 5:19). Beloved in Christ, be of good cheer because God is for us, no one or nothing can be against us for we’re the sons of God and we belong to Him. (Romans 8:14, 15, 31) Because we trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, we’re safe, secure and preserved in Him. May we live each day conscious that it is Christ living in us, through us and as us (Colossians 3:3). Confessions of Faith Heavenly Father, Thank You for enriching me with everything in Christ. I am defined by the quality of Your Life and by nothing less. Thank You for establishing my inestimable value and identity in Christ. Today, I align myself with Your foreordained plan and Your faithfulness. I lift the voice of thanksgiving for Your power at work in me in all the domains of my life; it is working beyond what I can perceive or see. I take my place in Christ and I stand in the power of His might. I shall not be moved, I shall not falter, I stand in Christ for the victory has been won and in Him, the victory is mine. In Christ, I’m free from every curse and from every iniquity. In Him, I have received true liberty as a child of God. The Holy Spirit grants me the spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of Him. I am equipped at all times for every ministerial service and I possess the vast privileges which have been given to me in Christ Jesus. I experience consistent victory by virtue of Your peace within me. I declare that I live each day with a sense of security and assurance in God for the peace He has given me is not as the world gives. Christ is alive in me, because He has settled and made His home in my heart by faith, everything about Him is resident in me. I will live and not die to declare the marvelous work of the Lord. I acknowledge that You are Yahweh my God, my only righteousness and strength in Jesus’ Name. Amen!!! You’re Blessed of God!
