This is the month of thanksgiving and sometimes we become ungrateful especially if we’re looking at what our senses dictate to us. Why I used the word ‘ungrateful’ is because sometimes we look at our circumstances and tend to believe God has failed us. I know that feeling and I’m no stranger to such thoughts but I came to understand that it’s not beneficial to us in any way. God has not ceased to show us His goodness and generosity but rather we became double minded. James 1: 6-8 NLT, “But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.” What James is explaining here is double minded and it makes people ungrateful. Double mindedness is something quite a lot of Christians struggle with very often in their walk with God. Others words that mean double mindedness are; to stagger, to waver, to hesitate and to doubt the integrity of God’s Word. Does this sound familiar? Same here, I’ve been there but I pray that after today we’ll all receive the grace to be established in the Word of God. The verse above reminds us that the double-minded person receives nothing from God and that’s simply because we’re not established in God’s persuasion about us. God calls us blessed, loved, favored and prosperous. He has you and I partakers of His Divine life and joint-heirs with Christ. We’re filled with his fullness, perfect and complete in him. We’re totally forgiven of our trespasses. We’re that city built on the hill that cannot be hidden because of the Light of God in us. It is the will of God that I prosper even as my soul prospers, and that I have peace that surpasses anything I can ever face. It is the will of God that I have joy unspeakable and favor in every sphere of my life. No word from God is void of power, thus being One with God means no word from your mouth and mine is void of power. Thank You Lord Jesus! PRAYER Gracious Father, I thank you for your never ending mercies. I receive your mercy and grace to be established in your persuasion about me; that nothing or no one can separate me from your which is in Christ Jesus. I pray that everything that has caused me to stagger, hesitate or doubt you as Lord of my life be taken away from me right now in Jesus’ Name. I receive deliverance from desensitization and discouragement and I receive the grace to trust that your plans for my life are plans of good and plans to bring me to an expected end. You’re the God who is faithful and who cannot lie. AMEN!
