I got this phrase from a book I’ve been reading lately and I thought I should I share what came to my mind. Before I proceed, I’ll like to apologize for my long absence from the blog, I’ve have laptop issues lately which hindered me greatly from sharing some things I wrote with you. I trust God; I’ll get a suitable solution to this problem eventually. I also trust God by His mercy and Grace you’re all doing well and staying safe in a time like this. I exhort you to stay in prayer for all men, our families, friends and more declaring these words daily “Because we have the Son- Jesus Christ we have life. We’ll live and not die to declare the wondrous works of Jesus Christ” The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is for us, no one or nothing can be against us (Romans 8:31). Back to our blog post for today “grandeur is our birthright” I pray the Lord gives you an understanding of His grandeur which now your birthright.

To begin with, we’re born of God in the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We’re born from above, we originate in God and we’re now partakers of his Divine Life (1 Corinthians 6:17). We don’t need to feel inferior about ourselves in the first place. We have God’s DNA, which identifies us as His children- His very own children. As He is a great creator, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17) His Divine ideas for this world can only take effect in this world through us. There are many ideas we get that can benefit mankind in so many ways, we shouldn’t hold and think we ‘can’t do it’; we should boldly step forward and reveal Christ to the world through the Divine idea.

We’re seated with Christ in the Heavenly realms far above principalities and powers. To be seated is to be in a position of rest, thus we’re at rest in the Unlimited One. Never forget that great things are born from a place of rest and so being conscious of our rest in Christ, we can freely allow ourselves to be used by Father God for the good of mankind. We’re still dealing with the pandemic and it’s my prayer a solution is found that can completely stop the situation. You may not be a medical personnel or something but believe me when I say God can use you to bring a lasting solution to what is happening. Seeing yourself as one eligible to bring a solution is a good place to start. No matter how small you start, ‘grandeur is your birthright’ thus, you’re destined for greatness.

We’re filled with the fullness of God Himself (Colossians 1:9-10), Christ dwells in us with His fullness- all His creative abilities are at work in us. No wonder the Apostle said in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Yes, we can do things that will make our world a better place because our strength and wisdom is in Christ. Proverbs 10:11 “The mouth of the righteous is a well of life”, speak forth what Christ believes about you. Jesus Christ who is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30) has filled us with Himself giving us the power to declare words of power and life. We’re co-heirs with Him and have His boundless creative abilities. Jesus Christ calls us, limitless, free, whole and complete and that is what we are. Impossible has no place in your life and mine.

Brethren in Christ, I may not have succeeded to share with you the exact things I had in mind but believe me when I say ‘grandeur is our birthright’ by virtue of our origin in Christ Jesus. We’re beyond limits in every aspect of life. We’re the solution the world is looking for; we’re here to reveal the unlimited loving God to the world. We’re not limited by time or space because His masterpieces. No matter what may be going on around us, we’re confident of His love for mankind. We trust that preserves us from calamity and no matter what we may face even in bringing our Divine ideas together to bring forth something beautiful, He is with us and as us. Because Jesus Christ is our guarantee, we’ll not fail and we’ll continue to aim high in all we do. We’re destined for greatness and we’ll bring it into our world. The Father can do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think by His power at work in us.

Benediction to us all!

“The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord lift His countenance upon you. And give you peace, the Lord makes His face to shine upon you. And be gracious unto you”. He'll never leave nor forsake us. Amen!

