I’ve had 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 in my mind for a period of time now and I’d love to exhort you on what the Spirit of God ministered to my inner man about these verses. We’re faced globally with a pandemic and it’s good we put up a good fight (1 Timothy 1:18, 6:12). 2 Corinthians 4:5KJV “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” When I read these verses, I came to understand through meditation that there are many weapons of our warfare. And they are not from our five senses or outward performances but from within. You can bear with me that 95% of our challenges do not require fist fights but mostly wisdom. With Christ as our only Wisdom, victory is assured and we’ll thus pull down strong holds; traditions and mindsets which held us bound and distracted us from receiving the love of God. When I read the part “casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God”, the eyes of my understanding were opened to the fact that a lot about thoughts contribute to our perception of God. If you what you believe about God is that He is far from you, you’ll have a faulty view of His love and you’ll always feel lonely. God is love and His love is unconditional, and we need to fill our minds with the consciousness of how much Father God loves us (John 3:16) and His sacrifice for us and as us on the cross. Romans 10:10KJV “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”. Amen!

When you live conscious of the love of God, you’re able to make confessions with your mouth. Therefore one the weapons of our warfare is believing that Jesus Christ is Lord of all and confessing His Lordship in your life (Hebrews 3:1).’ The Word ‘confession’ is translated from the Greek term ‘ Homologeo’ and it means” to thoughtfully agree and demonstrate consent through speech”, “to speak exactly the same as regards the content of truth believed” The Apostle Paul presents the  Apostleship and High Priesthood of Jesus as providing us with direct access to God, by presiding over the confession of our faith. This means that, as a believer, you have to the right to benefit of all that Christ has procured and secured through His finished work, by coming into agreement with what Christ Jesus has already “Confessed” concerning you. Jesus Christ is our Greater High Priest and has declared over us what He knows to be true of Himself. He has proclaimed a truth which He has wholeheartedly accepted concerning us. This is the true meaning of “Confession”. You are already blessed with all blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3), You have passed the level of conquering and have been introduced into the realm of reigning (Romans 8:37). You have been accepted in the Beloved (Ephesians 1:6).” Dr. Shawn Smith. Most battles start in the mind and so when these thoughts come, to bring them to the obedience of Christ within, we should confess aloud what Christ is persuaded of us. Just to mention, other weapons of warfare include joy and thanksgiving.

Confession of Faith

Father of Lights, Giver of every good and perfect gift, I join my voice in agreement to every declaration revealed in the New Testament concerning me in Christ Jesus. I rejoice to know that you have revealed in Your word that You will never be angry with me because of the finished work of Jesus Christ and I receive wholeheartedly Your unconditional love for me. I receive the full effects of your salvation in my spirit, soul and body, to be saved, made whole and preserved. I subject my faculties to you releasing all thoughts of fear of the unknown and bring it to the obedience of Christ. I walk in your peace and your unconditional love for me.

