Lately, I’ve been thinking about the global pandemic and it came to mind that though most of the world’s attention is focused on the novel corona virus/COVID-19, there are other issues that people are dealing with on a daily basis. While some are battling with health issues not COVID-19 related, others are dealing with finances, domestic violence and even more. The fear of the unknown and uncertainty has gripped so many people and believe me when I say, it’s serious. And though we are required to keep our distance from so many people for health and safety reasons, it doesn’t mean we should stop caring about them. A phone call, video call or a text message can save someone’s life; especially someone who is struggling with depression, fear, anxiety and even suicide. People we may know are faced with worse issues than the corona virus and since we haven’t checked on them, we can’t know they are facing such issues. The news has been insisting on the fact that domestic violence and abuse has increased since the lockdown started, you can imagine what some people are facing. We have friends, neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances that we can check on. Sometimes we conclude they are doing fine and we go about our lives forgetting that, that may not be the case. If you have a pregnant friend who has read some of the stories I’ve come across online in this season, know she’ll be terrified. And the statistics of medical personnel that have passed on during this season is quite serious and a little scary. Many aged people are terrified about what may happen to them given that they’re known to be most vulnerable. Some parts of the world are faced with war and political issues where people are being killed on a daily basis. This is just to open our eyes a little to see that people we know or who live near us whether close or far need our encouragement; let’s be there one for another.

Another thing we shouldn’t forget to do for the people we know is to pray for them. It may be hard to pray sometimes not only because the distractions have doubled but also because we may not have the discipline during this period to pray. It’s possible! 1 Timothy 2:1-3 KJV “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.” Our Father is pleased when we pray for others and even for those in authority; occupying positions that make decisions that can benefit us. We can take out time to pray for the World Health Organization (WHO) in a time like this, they need the wisdom of God in decisions they will make for the good of the whole world. We need to pray for presidents of nations in a time like this because they need wisdom to assure their people of their safety. We need to pray for doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians who are putting in all their efforts to bring forth a suitable treatment to this virus. We need to pray for their safety in the hospitals and more, some have left their families back home to do everything they can to help others. We need to pray for them to receive strength to keep up the good work for mankind. We need to stay at home, yes, be safe, yes and give thanks to God for those in the frontlines.  While at home pray for wisdom and understanding from God, because you may receive a divine idea that can produce a perfect solution for the whole world. God is faithful and don’t forget he can use anyone to provide a solution to any problem. God doesn’t call the qualified but qualifies the called as it’s commonly said.

Brethren in Christ, we are one body (Ephesians 4:4-6) the pain of one is the pain of all. The love of God has been shed in our hearts and it’s for a time as this that we make people see Christ in us. You can choose to blow kisses to neighbors, call and video chat with friends and family members who live far from you. Pray with them as well and remind them of your love for them. The fear of the unknown can only be resolved by the consciousness of Christ’s love for mankind. Jesus has gone ahead of us in His resurrection and has made every crooked path straight. He has made all things to work for our good and He has made us more than conquerors.  Philippians 4:23 AMP “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

You are blessed in Christ!!!
