While I was exercising about 2 days ago, as I took advantage of that time to continue meditating on the Word of God, I got this verse in my inner man, Psalm 24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof: the world and they that dwell therein”. As I continued dwelling on the verse, I came to the conclusion that it’s encouraging us to remember that we belong to God Almighty, the Lord of Hosts. With hands lifted in honor and adoration to our God and Father, let us pray- conscious that we belong to Him and we’re preserved in Him. (I used the first person singular because when reading you’ll do same. Everyone we have a loving interest in, is included in this prayer. As sons of God, we’re taking our place to declare God’s absolute power at work in and through us to all the nations of the world.)  


Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we stand with assurance before Your throne of grace, the supreme court of the universe and present this earnest request and humble entreaty offered and made on behalf of all mankind. Your Name is blessed forever and You are the Source of all light with whom there can be no variation, never subject to change; who casts no shadow on earth. I give thanks to You for You are the source of my life in Christ Jesus who has become my wisdom and righteousness, consecration and redemption. You have sent forth and commissioned all angels as ministering spirits to attend and execute Divine service on behalf of the heirs of Salvation. You have sent them forth as subordinates in service to my command to act on my behalf and to perform errands at my behest. I now summon the Heavenly hosts to come to my assistance in the Name of Jesus and Lord of all, to minister to me that I may be kept entire, being made materially prosperous, most blessed and highly favored in all my ways. I worship and reverence the Name of the Lord my God. Encamp around me and keep guard over me, deliver me from evil and prevent it from coming night unto me. Day and night keep watch over me and fulfill your service unto God. Gracious Father, I declare that Your Spirit within me does not impart fearfulness, timidity, or cowardice but rather You have given me the Spirit of power, love and of a sound mind of sobriety, calm and self-control. I am delivered and liberated from ear and terror. I refuse to fear for You are my God and You are with me. No fatal or destructive plague shall scourge me or my family and loved ones with calamity for we are preserved. I commit my total life under the Lordship of Jesus Christ; spiritually, mentally, physically, socially and financially. I belong to Him and He is Lord of my spirit, soul and body. Jesus is my absolute Master; He has conquered and I’m victorious in Him. Because I belong to Abba Father, I am all that matters to Him. I believe what you have declared and that I will say, ‘I will live and not die to declare the marvelous Work of the Lord’. As Christ is, so am I in this world. Thank You Father for the lives of every medical personnel, everyone who is doing everything to see to it that this COVID-19 is brought to an end. We bless You Father for those in authority who are working relentlessly to see that men are set free from this COVID-19, we pray that they be preserved. Thank You for their noble services to humanity, and we pray Your wisdom be exalted in all the laboratories globally in the Name of Jesus! Thank You eternal Father, for this pandemic is over and we receive your peace in the Name of Jesus, Amen!
