This is the New Year of a New Decade and funny enough I didn’t notice how the last decade went until we got here. I was meditating this morning on Jeremiah 29:11NLT “For I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and nor for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” King James ends it with an ‘expected end’. As I’m meditating more on this verse, I came to understand that God has always had plans to demonstrate his love for us in a more intimate and particular way, Him sending His only Begotten son Jesus Christ is no small sacrifice for our own sakes. In John 3:16 we’re exposed to the degree at which father god loved us and sent his only Son to die in our place that we who believe in him will receive eternal life and so we’ll not perish. The plans of God for us which he designed from the foundation of the world was to become like us, take part in all that we face and die with them in his own body that in his resurrection we might receive eternal life in Christ Jesus. He paid the full price of our sin in his death on the cross and at his resurrection we became the new creation in him. No wonder Apostle John said in John 5:24 that because we have the life of the Son which in other words is Eternal life, we have passed from death unto life. Glory to the Father!

Brethren in Christ, Father God has shared his Life with us in his Son Jesus Christ. He has made us full partakers of his very own life and co-heirs with Christ. Because of the great love wherewith he has loved us, we’re more than conquerors, overcomers who reign in righteousness and grace. We can never fail and we’ll never be put to shame. We’re seated with Christ in the Heavenly places far above principalities and powers. We’re more than conquerors. The plans of God will take full physical manifestation in your life and mine this new decade because those are His thoughts towards us. Jesus Christ is our hope and He is our assurance that the plans God has for us will never fail and that they will always be good.
