Few days ago, i was reading the Book of John anew and i must say, i felt like i was reading it for the first time. I learned so much but there is this one thing i would love to share in this blog post. One time i called someone i was talking to 'son of God' he got scared and replied "I'm not Jesus oh, i'm just a guy". I pray that the Spirit of God will grant us understanding. He will open our eyes to see that God in making us His sons, He has made us what He is. John 5:17-18 Amplified version says, "But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now [He has never ceased working], and I too am working. This made the Jews more determined than ever to kill Him, for not only was He breaking the Sabbath [from their viewpoint], but He was also calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God." Jesus calls Good His Father and the Jews sought to kill Him saying it's because He makes Himself equal with God. Now look at what He says in John 10:30 AMP "I and the Father are One [in essence and nature].” When He said this, the Jews picked up stones to stone Him saying he's committing blasphemy. Don't forget that before the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Man, no one had called God 'Father', that's why the Jews couldn't deal with it. At His resurrection, the Lord Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene saying in John 20:17 "Jesus said to her, "Do not hold Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’” Thank You Lord Jesus! Many times Jesus was almost stoned and He was finally killed for calling God His Father because it implies He's equal with God, but in this verse above, He's telling Mary to go to His brethren and tell them He's ascending to their Father and to their God too. What a privilege we've been given.
Now John in 1 John 3:1 (KJV), he says "Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God; therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew Him not." He goes further to say in verse 2 of that same chapter "Beloved, now are we the sons of God", Amen. Take note the word 'sons' s used in this context is not gender implied, for everyone that believes in Christ is a son of God. Being called a son of God means we're born of God Himself, we have His Spirit and nature in us, His DNA is our DNA(Romans 8:14-16) and His Spirit bears witness in us crying ABBA FATHER, cause we're the sons of God. We have Eternal Life which is in the Son, Jesus Christ and as He is perfect, complete, wanting nothing, so are we in this world(1 John 4:17, 5:11). As sons of God, we now have free access to the Father, we are His workmanship. We are safe and preserved in Him. We know that He loves us irrespective of our failures and short-comings, He can never leave us neither can He forsake or abandon us. Our dear Father God is a good Father and not a deserter of His own. Everything about our well being as His Sons is our Father's priority. He has made us His very own, He chose us and predestined us unto Sonship. We are because He is.
You're blessed in Christ!
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