On resurrection morning, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb of Jesus and didn't find the body of Jesus, She went back and told the disciples what she had seen. They all came back and found His grave-clothes neatly wrapped and left where He was laid. Simon Peter and the other disciples were so disturbed and left but she stayed and was crying when suddenly she saw two Angels. She asked them where they had taken the Lord to but then Jesus appeared. She didn't recognize Him (at crucifixion, Jesus's beard was torn, his face completely deformed) and so she asked again where they had taken the Lord but Jesus called her by her name 'Mary' and she immediately recognized Him and called Him 'Rabboni' which means 'Teacher' in Hebrew. Mary took the Message Jesus gave her to the other disciples (John 20:1-18). This is just a summary to recollect our minds to the fact that Jesus is risen from the grave. Through the death of Jesus on the cross, the Father brought into effect something so powerful and divine; God brought to an end everything that took place in the fall of man in Adam. The death of Jesus Christ on the cross brought an end to the old world and all that entered as a result of the fall of that one man Adam. Christ became who we were by taking upon Him our sin nature and dying as us, for us and in our benefit (Romans 6:6).
"Jesus Christ is truly God and truly man; He became man to substitute and represent man vicariously. He stood in our place, on our behalf, in our benefit and what happened to Him from conception right to His death on the cross, burial, quickening, raising and seating has implications for you and me because we were included and are still presently included in the mediation of Jesus Christ. We have been included into a mutual indwelling by which He presents us to the Father irreprehensible and blameless in Himself... When Jesus Christ died, He died on behalf of the entire human race, the moment He is buried, there was irreversible identification of all humanity with Him. When He was buried, His burial represented the end of humanity under Adam. He has completely reversed the Adamic economy. If you were identified with Him irrevocably in His burial,  we have also risen with Him happened to us as well. The resurrection of Jesus implies that He is in His glorified state, it is the proof that we have been released from the effects of sin (Romans 4:25, Colossians 2:12-13). On the day of the resurrection, the world was judged in righteousness; Christ's resurrection signifies that you and I have been made righteous, forgiven of our trespasses and what could have made us to lose altitude has been taken out of the way" Dr. Shawn Smith. Jesus was raised for our justification and that is our assurance. He conquered sin, death and hell; He is alive and we are alive in Him.

Happy Easter!!!
