Dear beautiful, you are strong
You're unique, worth, wise and bold
Born to reveal God, your Supreme creator
Called to show forth His excellent praises
Purposed for superlative things of life
Walking in the perfection of His love
Shining with the glory of the Lord
You are a beauty to behold
Dear beautiful, You are phenomenal
You're partaker of that which is eternal
Established in Him that is greater that all
Distinguished by infallible grace Divine
To be a light bearer by God's design
To speak forth and administer life from within
To make things fall in their rightful place
You are an epitome of love and grace
Dear beautiful, you abound in all graces
Blessed are works of your very hands
Abundant is the harvest from your fields
Uncountable are the proceeds from your business
Abounding in the surplus of prosperity
Favored in all your journeys
Always giving more than you have
you will never scratch the bottom of the barrel
Dear beautiful, you have no limits
You're intelligent, creative and innovative
It's not on the basis of your own strength
But the One in whose image you're made
Christ Jesus, your Savior and Lord
Has made you His own forever
Your challenges define you never
Your failures have made you an overcomer
You smile even when you're not sure
You are an inspiration to all
You're a blessing!
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