Every time you see a mirror the first thing that comes to your mind is to see how you look. What you have in mind is your ideal picture of yourself but immediately you stand in front of the mirror, you start looking for those things you hate about yourself. You twist your face and say things like "if only my face was smoother or if only my eyes could look bigger etc". On other occasions you'll say things like "if only my legs were longer and straight, i believe i will be the happiest person alive. Believe me when i say the list is endless. It's common practice with us girls not only because we're self-conscious but because so many changes occur on our face and body almost everyday. On other days, you may look at this mirror and start talking to yourself about everything that went wrong in your job, relationship and more. You cry and hate yourself for the things you could do even some that were beyond your control and yet you torment yourself with the notion that it was your fault. The goal behind looking in the mirror is not to look at your imperfections, neither is it made for you to feel ashamed of yourself. It is so you can appreciate how beautifully you have been made. The mirror is so you can see your true self and appreciate all that you are. You are more than that person you see in the mirror. 2 Corinthians 3:18 (AMP) puts it this way "And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit". Bless the Lord! We have the perfect mirror in which we can see our true self; who we really are. It is in the face of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; He is our mirror image.
When you look at Christ, you see perfection, glory, wholeness, victory, joy, peace etc. Apostle James in the book of James 1:23-24, he said a man that reads the Word of God and doesn't remember is like the man who looks at himself in the mirror and when he goes out, he forgets what his face looks like. The Word of God is likened to a mirror to give us the perfect picture of what we're like. The more we meditate on the Message of Christ, the more we see the true picture of ourselves. The more we meditate on the Gospel our weaknesses and failures become deem and no matter what we face on a daily basis, God is with us and He will never leave nor forsake us. You are not your weaknesses, failures and insecurities; you are the son of God. The one in whom Christ dwells and who has received His life. You are that chosen vessel, God wants to use you to reveal Himself to the world. You are God's masterpiece, the object of His delight and He loves you unconditionally. Christ is at work in you and you'll not fail, you've triumphed over every form of defeat because you're destined to reign.

You are blessed!!!
