It's Valentine season and many people take advantage of this period to profess their love for their loved ones. They give them gifts, take them out on dates, they go to any place fun; museum, park, picnics and some even travel all in a bit to show how much they care and love these dear ones. When you're young, it feels beautiful to know that someone likes you. During that time, you smile to yourself, sing and listen to love songs; everything you do has some extra energy. Just the thought of that person loving you changes your countenance. It's the feeling they call first love. There is a first love that has always been your forever first love. His name is Jesus Christ. He loved you from the foundation of the earth; long before you came to be. He knew you even before you were formed in your mother's womb and He chose you and predestined you unto Sonship. He became all that you are, that you might become what He is in himself. The perfect sacrifice was made even before you came to know about God. The most beautiful part is just knowing that He became sin who knew no sin that you might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ was made your wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. He was made a curse to make you free forever. Your life is eternally curse free and your life is hid in Christ with God. Now in Christ, you're accepted in the Beloved, you're the object of God's delight and His eyes are always on you, loving everything about you because He sees Himself in you. Jesus Christ has made you His dwelling place; as He is begotten, so are you in this world. God is for you, He has made you more than a conqueror in Him. All the days of your life are filled with the riches of His goodness and mercy. God is love, we love Him because He first loved us. Love has loved us unconditionally. In this wonderful season of love and laughter, never forget that there's no greater love that we've received than the love of Jesus Christ. Just thinking about His perfect work on the cross for you and as you should make you smile and even dance. All that we are, is because He chose us in Himself and it pleased Him greatly. You're not here by mistake, your failures and weaknesses don't define you. You're always above every obstacle. You're a success and a winner always. You'll never be in a place of disadvantage because all things are working for your good. Jesus Christ is not only your first love but your perfect love and it's forever.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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