Last week i read a post by a Christian on Instagram where he was talking about his dog. He said when he first bought that dog fifteen years ago he declared that the dog will live a long and healthy life. For the past ten years he has been speaking to this dog's organs, tissues, cells, kidneys and more. One time his dogs was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease but he didn't stop his declarations of health and wholeness and the dog survived and is still thriving free of any diseases. What especially marked struck a chord in me is the fact this fifteen year old dog looks like a puppy; young and full of life which means it will longer. What an amazing testimony. I remember last year i shared a similar post about saying what God saying you are in what i entitled ''The I AM challenge". That every time you feel discouraged and weighed declared aloud "I am accepted in the Beloved". Jesus Christ said in John 6:63(KJV) "...The words that i speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." And Christ lives in you in His fullness what does that make your words? Spirit and lIfe. Our opening short story is about a dog and don't forget in Matthew 6:25-30 Jesus mentioned the grass and the birds and said we're of more value. He has made us His permanent dwelling place and so our words have as much power as Him speaking them. We see in the four Gospels many miracles Jesus performed just by speaking words and right away there was a miracle. Permit me share with you what happened to me last year, I had pain in my right side, i couldn't guess what it was but some days i woke up and the pain will be really strong such that i can't bend properly. Everyday i made declarations of health and wholeness upon my life placing my hand on the affected area. When i went to the hospital, the doctor's first impression was funny. He smiled at me and said "you don't look sick young lady". I went to the laboratory and when the results were out he said he told me i wasn't sick and so he can only prescribe some anti-biotics and vitamins. Glory to God.
Brethren in Christ, be encourage. Don't think for once you're powerless. no. The power of God is always at work in you quickening every organ, every cell, every tissue, every system of your body. You may feel pain, don't let it distract you. One thing you should remember is that, it has worked for others and it will certainly work for you. Everyday we're faced with different death-threatening situations but God rescues us by His power at work in us. Romans 8:11(KJV) "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you". Amen. You may not be faced with sickness but other issues of life, i encourage you not to lose courage. Speak forth what you desire and though it may take days, weeks, months and even years; it doesn't stop the fact that it will come to pass in your life. God has favored you and called you His own, He chose you and predestined you; your life is not ordinary. Some days when i'm weighed down by one or two issues i write a song, record it in my phone to continue saying what God says of me. Some days it's hard to be consistent but don't lose hope God is rich in mercy and His mercies are new every single day. God is our God and our Father and He cares about us deeply. Oh Thank You Lord!
You are blessed in Christ!
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