This is the season of joy and celebration; merry making is the order of the day. Preparations are being made and while this is going on, people are travelling from one city to another to celebrate with family and friends. Aside from joy, it is a season of love and peace. When the Angel of the Lord first appeared to the shepherds in the fields at night in Luke 2:8-14, he said to them (Verse 14KJV) "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men". He was announcing the arrival of the Prince of Peace; Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. In all we do, we should bear in mind that it is the will of God that we be in peace. There may be pressure coming from different domains of your life not only in this time but remember that you have the peace of God. Jesus said to His disciples in John 14:27 "I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid (New Living Translation). Pause and think for a moment, if Jesus could leave His peace as a parting gift with His disciples, it means peace is a vital necessity in life. That which characterizes Christ is peace and He has passed unto us His very own peace. It is our inheritance; it is what we presently possess. It's common practice for us to take stock of our achievements and failures at this time of the year. Some look at the list they made of what they wanted their year to look like and it's December and nothing on the list has changed. They feel disappointed and heart broken but be encouraged, God is faithful and He will never disappoint you. He has given you His peace because everything He said He will do, he will do in grand style. Father God is a good father and your timeline may not match His but be assured it will come to pass exactly as He said it. The peace of Christ is within us and not like the peace the world gives, the peace the world gives is mostly based on external things but the peace of God fills you with assurance and confidence.We sometimes feel God loves us based on our good deeds but no, it is on the basis of His love for us and not our love for Him. Jesus Christ came and died for us even when we were indifferent and hateful towards God. So no matter what you've done, Christ's righteousness offers you the gift of no condemnation; you are beyond accusation. Be at peace brethren in Christ for the God of peace is your father and He is not mad at you. No matter what you face, be assured God is not thinking ill of you. Unless we walk in the peace of God, we cannot preserve the effect of the divine influence of the grace of God. The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:23(KJV) «And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and i pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The man of God H.E Dr. Shawn Smith taught us that "when the title 'the very God of Peace' is used for God, Paul is specifically showing us that the security of our peace originates in God. The word 'Peace' here means to rest in God's opinion of you. It speaks of the emotion that we sense within our soul as a result of knowing that you have been released from debt. 'Peace' equally speaks of the understanding of fulfillment, of satisfaction in who Christ is and what He has done. It is to be fulfilled and satisfied in Christ. You do not need an add-on to what Christ has done. Everything that has to do with the Gospel does not require the temporal adjustment of a condition of your life. You are already whole. The peace of God implies that the revelation of the Gospel that has come to you has shown that in Christ Jesus you are whole". Peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, He dwells in you and so you have free access to His peace which with in turn affects every other area of your life. You may not have achieved the things you wished you had by now, remember, the fact that you have life is an indication that you will see it come to pass. God will never fail you neither will He forsake you. He has preserved you to enjoy the benefits of all that Christ wrought and so be at peace because God is absolutely good and His love is generous.
