While i was meditating few days ago, it dawned on me that there are
things we take for granted that are immeasurable, worth more than anything we
can fathom. One of these things we so easily forget and take for granted is our
access to the Father. In Christ we have
free access to the Father. Jesus Christ came to include us into the Father-son
relationship. Our official placement in the Father-son relationship is what is
called adoption. It means that the Father's greatest plan was that we should be
His family. Adoption also means to be placed in the Life of God. While we were
yet sinners, Christ died for us. He did not just die for us; He became what we
were in order to make us what He is in Himself. Once you profess faith in Jesus
Christ, you have been given the right and privilege to fellowship with God as
your Father by virtue of your nature. When God birthed His nature in you, He
implanted His own life within your human spirit and generated the greatest of
all relationships- that of Father and a son. You are now a member of God's
family, surnamed by His Name now and forever. Glory to Jesus!
Now that we are sons of God in Christ, we have free access to Him. The
same access that Jesus Christ has to the Father; unrestricted, face-to-face
audience before the Father (Ephesians 3:12, Romans 5:8). You and I are now
partakers of the resurrection Life that Christ presently lives in us. You abide
in His presence; He knows and loves you personally. You call on the Name of the
Lord and you are safe and delivered because you have access to Him. The Father
hears you every time you call; you have His undivided attention; guaranteed
audience. We have boldness, being assured of the fact that He hears and answers
us always. We are the righteousness of God in Christ; there is no condemnation
to us. We are accepted by the Father in the Beloved (Ephesians 1:6). We have a
faithful and Sovereign High Priest (Hebrews 7:16), we know that in Him we dwell
eternally in the Presence of the Father, we obtain favor and find grace to help
in time of need. Never forget that all the promises which God has given us in
Christ Jesus are Yea and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). Because you have free
access the Father, He has said Yea to everything you have said, God is not a
man to lie. He speaks to the things that be not and they come to be, He is
all-powerful and supreme and nothing is impossible to you who is in Him. We are
without limits in Him. We celebrate the fact that we have free access to Father
God and because we have free access to Him, whatever we ask in His Name is
granted unto us. There is no second or minute that we don’t have God's
undivided attention, He always hears and answers us and for this we are
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