We have the mind of Christ at all times but it's absolutely imperative that we live with the consciousness of Christ in us. One thing that is important to always keep in mind s what you're persuaded of becomes what you are. When you're self-conscious you live mostly for yourself but when you're Christ conscious, He becomes your everyday experience. Would like to share on the power of having a transformed mind and consciousness of Christ in you and would like to share an extract of the book The New Man in Christ by the Man of God, Dr. Shawn Smith. «If you then be risen with Christ see those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God.  Set your affections on things on things above, not on things on the earth. For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in god. Colossians 3:1-3KJV. The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us how to think like Christ. For if we are to walk as He walks and act as He acts, we are to first of all think as He thinks. The problem that every believer faces is that after regeneration, the soul still possesses the Adamic consciousness and retains the residue of the fallen and corrupted nature of man that has been satanified. This is to say, that left to itself, the mind is naturally inclined to unbelief and cannot perceive reality beyond the basic modes of human perception. The human mind even after regeneration is compatible with the sin nature and retains the program inherited from the old man who is now destroyed. It carries a system of self-rule that excludes God the world has been unsuccessfully governed by these self-ruled systems with catastrophic results. The believer will continue to be dominated by the force of selfishness unless there is a re-programing of the mind to make it compatible with Christ.
Christ is preeminent in all things. There is nothing greater than Him. If the eyes of our understanding are open to behold Him in all of His glory, we will rise above this wicked world's system to live at His level. This means that if the faith of the believer is to become effectual and powerful, the soul must be re-educated and reconnected to Christ. The indisputable fact of whether you will dominate or be dominated in your life as a believer is solely determined by the condition your mind is compatible with and yield to. The faith of the Son of God resides in Christ and he dwells in you (Galatians 2:20). The soul is the renewable resource and apparatus that God created to manifest the faith that is resident in your spirit. In other words, there is a difference between faith and believing. Faith resides in your regenerated human spirit, while believing occurs in the renewed mind. Faith then is manifested in a way of thinking call believing. The key of accessing all that Christ is within you is to bring your soul through your mind into agreement with the realities that are present within your spirit. This can only be done through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in unveiling Christ to you through the Word of God. It will thus require that you make your mind available to Him by readjusting your mental disposition. The Holy Spirit has received the ministry to expose to our minds a new belief system that builds into the soul. This whole process is known as spiritual edification. When you are truly edified, the Holy Spirit brings your mind into agreement with the Word of God. This creates in you a new consciousness and thus builds a new belief system. Consciousness is that which you associate yourself with at a personal level. Another definition of consciousness is that which has gained ascendancy in the essence of your soul. It is that which you agree with and accept as real and association with at a personal level.
A Christian is a 'Christ one' who sees Christ as his only life. A Christian is one who has Christ as his consciousness. In other words, he associates himself with Christ at a personal level, deriving his identity and self-perception entirely from Christ. Christ is the prototype Son and not the pattern Son. You are not an imitation of the Son of God; you are a partaker of all that He is. A Christian is Christ alive in a human being. He is 'Christ I AM'. To those who are willing and desire to know Christ, their mind is being opened by the Holy Spirit in order that their eyes may see Christ. Once you see Him, you will realize that the real Jesus Christ is already in you and that the only salvation you have is Jesus Christ the in you."

You are blessed in Christ!
