Some weeks ago, i was reading this book on faith by Derek Prince; one of the books he wrote on faith a long time ago. While i was this book, i learned something very beautiful about praying before eating. You don’t have to pray very long prayers before eating, it’s just enough for you to offer a word of thanksgiving to God as Jesus did. Praying before you eat is common practice for children who were raised by Christian parents in Christian homes. But reading about it from this book changed my perspective entirely on this matter. Permit say that when a child is told to do something without an understanding of what he is doing it becomes a boring ritual to him but when he is told the reason why he has to do it, it changes even his attitude towards that activity. Most of what i will share will be from Faith to Live By by Derek Prince. "As we receive our food from God with a prayer of thanksgiving, it is "sanctified": it actually becomes something holy, designed by God to do us good. Even if there were originally impure or harmful ingredients in our food, their effect is nullified by our faith, expressed in our prayer of thanksgiving. Our food is the source of our natural strength, and God is the source of our food. Therefore our strength in itself a gift from God. As we thus apply this principle of faith to our eating, this while area of our lives gains a new significance. We can understand how Paul could exhort the believers at Corinth, "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31). Through faith, even our daily meals take on the nature of a sacrament, of which we partake for God's glory." God is awesome! I remember seeing my mother praying over our food before we go to the table; she still does it when she cooks. My grandmother(maternal) told us when we were younger that food can make your family either happy or sad and so when you cook pray and invest as much love as you can in the meal. Food truly makes a difference when eaten in faith and acknowledging it's a gift from God our Father. Imagine if eaten otherwise. This is what Derek Prince said about such a situation "Throughout most of Ecclesiastes, Solomon is describing the 'natural man'- that is, the man who through unbelief lives his life without the grace and the knowledge of God. In Ecclesiastes 5:17, Solomon pictures such a man at his table: throughout his life he also eats in darkness with great vexation, sickness and anger. He further says to eat without faith is to invite vexation, sickness and anger. He concluded this theme by saying, every activity to which we apply our faith in Christ becomes permeated with divine life; it is no longer drab or commonplace. It becomes fresh, exciting, joyous- an occasion for worship and praise".
Brethren in Christ, eating is no small activity, Acts 2:46-47 describes the Apostles of Jesus Christ in the first century, how they ate their meals: " And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." The manner in which they ate with joy and love served as a way to evangelize to those around them. This is also to tell us that food contributes to unity and peace in the home. The life of Christ is in us to saturate every area of our lives: and every activity is done with joy. John 6:1-13, openly shows us that Jesus Christ cares greatly about our sustenance; our physical welbeing matters to Father God in every way.

Blessed with all blessings in Christ!!!
