Some weeks ago, i read a short sentence
about talking to plants and changing their form and when i shared it with my kid
sister who loves gardening she smiled. That was because she had a plant which
was not doing very well and so she made it a daily practice to speak life into
the plant. As she did it daily, she realized the plant was becoming more and
more beautiful and all of a sudden it started bearing fruit. Awesome! That was
just a plant and then imagine what our lives would look like if we make a
conscious decision to speak life in every area of our lives. It may seem like a
waste of time but believe when i say it works.
The words we speak are spirit and they are life because you are in
Christ. The Greek verb 'Homologeo' translated basically "to confess"
and "confession" are Biblical
terms with special meanings. Homologeo means 'to say the same as' which means to
say what God has said about us, we don't generate our confession. We're in
Christ and all that Christ was made of God , that's who we are. Permit me
explain this beautiful truth about what Christ was made for us and as us.
Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:30 " But of him are ye in Christ
Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification,
and redemption." The Greek word used as "made is Ginomai"; it
speaks of a birthing, to receive being, to become, to take one's origin. Our
genealogy, origin is that position described as in Christ. Everything that we
are is what Christ was made by God for us to be. If we are to examine what we
are, we must take into account what Christ was made for us. With this in mind,
our confession is on the basis of what we're made in Christ. When you say
"I am righteous" you're not saying it's of your ability but it's what
Christ Jesus was made in your place. It's important to note that biblical
confession is not confessing positive things, but it is based on the revelation
you receive from the Gospel. Your words and thoughts are known to be energy and
so it's important to focus more of your 'thought' energy on the revelation of Christ; His person and finished
work. We're in the year of Great advancement and Fulfillment of the plans,
purposes and pursuits of God in our lives and so it's important that our thoughts
be flooded with the Word of God so that we speak forth what God says about us.
For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and when the Word of
God dwells richly in us we speak the mind of Christ (Colossians 3:16). When we
confess our faith based on the Word of God, we're empowered to walk in the
blessings of God. It's interesting to know that the words you speak after God
are the scientific application of God's power, things obey words. In Genesis
1:3-24 we understand that God spoke words and things came to be. Utterances are
sequences of power and for us to experience our salvation in Christ we believe
and speak what we believe (Romans 10:8-10, 2 Corinthians 4:13). We confess our
faith when we speak from our position as sons of God and we belong to Him.
There is no limit to what we can be or can do or have in Christ for we are
heirs of salvation and co-heirs with Christ. We were crucified with Christ, we
died with Him, raised together with Him and we're seated with him at the Right
hand of the Father far above principalities and powers.With lifted hands in
honor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, let us confess our faith together
and please don't hesitate to add your own words as the Holy Spirit leads you.
Gracious Father, Thank You for placing me in
Christ. I declare I am a possessor of my inheritance because of who I am. I am a
son of God and I will say of myself what God says of me. I walk in the fullness
of who You say that I am and I am confident of Your victory being manifest
through me in every sphere of my life. I was crucified with Jesus Christ, the
old me is gone and now I have been redefined be Christ. Even in my weakness I
will rejoice for in them Your strength is made perfect in my life. I am healed,
prosperous and made whole in the Name of Jesus. Amen!
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