Jesus Christ, the only Begotten Son of God
Born from above living in the eternities
Who was from the foundation of the earth
Having the same essence and nature as God
Perfect, complete and wanting nothing
He became flesh taking on our sinful nature
Wow, the only Son of God now looks exactly like us
But His Deity remains untainted
Truly God, for He is still the only Begotten Son of God
Truly Man, for He has been made exactly like man in all aspects
With man's sinful nature, He is nailed on the cross
Taking all our diseases, infirmities, shame and sickness
Then he died, still as us, He was buried in a tomb
Men cried, lamented thinking all hope is gone
Three days and three nights passed with him in the grave
He rose from among the dead with a radiant and glorious face
He had conquered sin, death and hell and in Him we're victorious
Jesus Christ is risen, in our place and for our benefit
He brought me into union not only with Himself but the Godhead
He ascended on High and is crowned with glory and Grace
Being our High Priest declared with an immortal Oath
Forever living to stand against whatever stands against us
 Seated in the beauty of His finished work at the Father's Right Hand
Now, we are born again and the New Creation in Him
Born of the incorruptible seed, belonging to a Life of incorruption
Filled with the fullness of God by the Holy Spirit
We rejoice in this Goodnews because He did it
In our place and for our benefit
Abba Father!
