was reading Peter's second epistle and in every chapter, he repeatedly makes
mention of "the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." The
first time he mentions it he said "For if these things be in you and
abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:8 2:20, 3:18). This clearly
indicates to us that there is knowledge which is not the knowledge of our Lord
Jesus Christ; in fact any knowledge about Christ that doesn't exalt the Person
and work of Christ is knowledge that is not the knowledge of Christ. To begin
with, the knowledge of God is given to
us in the face of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the "image of the invisible
God", He was made incarnate as Man representing all men in Himself, that
in Him all men might receive the free gift of righteousness (Mark 1:1, John
1:14, 34). Matthew on the other hand puts it in a more comprehensive way, when
Jesus said 'No one knows the Father except the Son that came from above' thus
in knowing the Son of God Jesus Christ we get to know the Father. Only Jesus
can show us the true nature and character of God (Matt 11:27, John 10:15,
17:25). It is also very important to know that our knowledge of Christ in the
four Gospels and Christ in the epistles is different especially in the epistles
of Paul. 2 Corinthians 5:16 says,
"Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have
known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more",
Christ is no longer in the flesh and thus we no know Him no more as Jesus of
Nazareth but as the resurrected Lord and King. After He had by Himself purged
our sins, He sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on High. Whatever
knowledge we can ever have of Christ can only be by revelation and not by
discovery. Take note that our senses can never know Christ except by the Holy
Ghost revealing to us the person and finished work of Christ (1 John 2:27) for
He is the anointing that teaches us. Interestingly, another meaning for the
word revelation is "knowledge of Christ". Christ lives in you and I
and we can only be assured daily of this glorious truth with the help of the
Holy Spirit. Wisdom is the knowledge of God that is converted to understanding;
it only comes through our knowledge of God.
Jesus, we learn that God is not an uncaring, unloving Creator-Lawmaker; rather,
Jesus Christ shows us that God is our loving Father. We were chosen by God from
the foundation of the earth to be His sons in Christ. To be holy, blameless,
irreproachable and to be partakers of His Divine life (Ephesians 1:4-6, John
14:20). The shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross has completely
abolished sin, we are not condemned before God; not now, not ever (Hebrews
9:26, Romans 8:1). We have been redeemed, sanctified and justified by faith in
Christ Jesus and we have direct face to face access to Father God. Our thoughts
about God must begin with Jesus, for only the Son of God knows the Father. Having
accurate knowledge about God brings wholeness, wisdom, life, preservation and
safety etc. We come to understand with absolute certainty that God is pleased
with us in Christ; He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will never
disappoint us nor will He ever put us to shame (Romans 10:11, Hebrews 13:5). Jesus
Christ said after His resurrection that His God is now our God and that His
Father is now our Father and He loves us just as much as He loves Him,Jesus (
John 20:17). How wonderful it is to know that Jesus is not ashamed to call us
"brethren"; brothers of the same bossom (Hebrews 2:11). Dr Annie
Smith once said, "The power of the Gospel brings faith but acquiring
knowledge depends on your openness to the Gospel”. We are co-heirs with Christ,
and because the Father delights to share his life and love, His love overflows
towards us and all that belongs to Father God is now ours in Christ.
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