This is a poem I wrote some months ago which I will love to share with you trusting it blesses you even more than it did to me

First came Adam, the first man
Born from mortal and corruptible seed
The one in whom were all men sinners
The one in whose acts all men were bound
The one in whom came the fall
The one in whom came the curse of the law
The one in whom all men were alienated from the Life of God
And the one in whom all men died
And now, the Last Adam has come
Christ Jesus the only begotten Son of the Living God
Born from above, truly God and truly man of incorruptible seed
The express image of the invisible God, seated at the Father's right hand
The One in whom we have received Eternal Life
The One in whom all men are made free from the curse of the law
The One in whom we are born again to a lively hope
The One who has the faith of God in my place
The One in whom is our salvation, liberty and sonship
The One in whom we are made the New Creation at His resurrection
The One whose obedience forever qualified me for the perfection of God
The One in whom we have received adoption with the Spirit crying Abba Father in us
The One in whom we are filled with the fullness of God
The One in whom we have free face to face access to Father God
And now are we the sons of God in Christ Jesus
Abba Father!!!
