We are almost midway into the month of December and we know it's that month of the year that crowns the whole year as finished. Looking keenly at our lives so far, we are thankful God has preserved and kept us safe in His unconditional love. It's important to remember that it's not because of anything we did or have that God loves us, it is absolutely His choice and He chose us. The New Year is just some few days away and so i will like us to focus most of our energy in this time on getting the mind of Christ concerning us this up-coming year. We have expectations for this New Year; we are trusting God remarkable advancement in all realms of our lives. It's important to note here that, we shouldn't be too carried away by our expectations of the future that we forget to take advantage of what we have now. Every day of our lives matter to God, and so it's our place to enjoy and make the most of each blessed day. We all desire to grow in our ability to trust God above all things even amidst our frailties and inability to obtain divine results. One thing is certain, because God called us into the Fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ, He is Faithful. He will not fail nor will He ever leave us; He will never lie to us nor will He ever forsake us (1 Corinthians 1:9). The Psalmist said in Psalm 37:23 that God takes delights in ordering the steps of His sons (the righteous) and every detail of our lives is His priority (paraphrased). I believe only God can direct our steps and He is willing and ready, as we give ourselves in this time to fellowship and commune with Him, He will give us direction through the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit is our ever present Help, He helps our infirmities (Romans 8:14-15, 26). He makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered. Remember that we are limited in our human language; there are many times we cannot even pray forth the plan of God for our lives or process the plan of God for our lives because we do not have the mind of God through our natural minds. The Holy Spirit helps us; He has come to stand with us in our frailties, our inability to obtain Divine results and to pray as we ought to pray. It is not the Spirit standing on His own, it is the Spirit together with us.
Speaking in tongues is the Language of the Spirit and so when we speak in tongues, it builds us up spiritually, it brings rest and establishment in our lives (1 Corinthians 14:14, Isaiah 28:10-12). When we pray in tongues it builds our faith in Christ Jesus (Jude 1:20), it keeps us in the love of God and enables us to hear God better. In these few days left, I will suggest that we should write down either on a piece of paper or in a notebook what we're trusting God to see manifest in our lives come 2018, the victories we look forward to celebrate. We have also things freely given in Christ but it is progressive and successive because it's the will of God that all men come to knowledge of the truth. So, from the 15th December 2017, we should give ourselves to 15-30 minutes of prayer in tongues; declaring the Word of God and giving thanks, thus releasing the power of God in all these desires. When praying we should visualize these desires in our mind's eyes as accomplished, we should see ourselves in these victories. Because the Holy Spirit dwells in us, the Word we speak are spirit and life, thus we should make use of this wonderful gift of speech. We're always triumphant through Christ and in Him we reign. We are assured of the victory Jesus Christ wrought for us, He paid the price of our sins and infirmity and so His victory is now ours. With this confidence, we rise up in faith for our victory is certain because we are in Him. We rejoice with lifted hands because Christ is our guarantee and security. God is for us and so no one can be against us. We are more than conquerors in Christ and no one can lay a charge against us because we belong to God. The plan of God for our lives is that we prosper and be in peace. His thoughts towards us are thoughts of good and not thoughts on evil. We are loved by a God whose love is unconditional and never ending, He has given us Eternal Life, we now have His genes in us.

You're blessed with all blessings in Christ!!!
