I was recently reading the story of this young man who was born from a
love union between a married man and an unmarried woman. Because of this, he
always felt like he is a second class child, he can never be treated as a priority;
his needs will always be secondary compared to the needs of the legitimate
children of the man. He was demoralized and very insecure. There may be things
going on in your life that make you think, you are not worthy of first class
attention and love. Beloved of God, you are a bonafide son of God and Christ
has qualified you to receive all things the Father has freely given in Him. At
regeneration, you became indwelled by the Holy Spirit which is the seal of God;
you are now born of God. Your earthly genealogy no longer determines the course
of your life because you now possess the divine nature of God and Jesus Christ
is your destiny. Genesis 1:26a "And God said, let us make man in our
image, after our likeness...» Ephesians 1:4-5 puts it in a perfect way
"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Having
predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself,
according to the good pleasure of his will". God chose you in Christ
before the foundation of the world. Jesus Christ the Eternal Son of God was
sent by Father God to take on the form of man; He was rich but for our sakes He became poor that through Him we
may be made rich (2 Corinthians 8:9, John 3:16)."Jesus Christ was
crucified; He died, was buried, quickened, raised and seated, in the space of
three days and three nights...Through the operation of God, the Father made us
in Christ. You have already been made to be exactly what God wants you to
be...Jesus Christ was appointed by the Father as humanity's Savior. He provided
Him with a human body by the incarnation, by means of a virgin birth, independent
of natural generation. He was thus born into this world as a true human being
yet without the genetically formed sin nature due to the fact that He did not
biologically descend from Adam. The incarnation thus brought about the union of
divinity with humanity in Jesus Christ by a special act of divine power. It is
on the basis of this true humanity with Christ, that He could become our
substitute. “To believe in Jesus as the Savior is to receive Him as your
substitute, (Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 7:13-15, Jeremiah 31:22, Micah 5:2, John
1:14, Luke 1:34-35)” quote from The New Man in Christ by Dr Shawn Smith.
Jesus was crucified and we are crucified with Him. We now have His
nature and no longer the unregenerate self. We now have the same Father with
Jesus Christ, and at His resurrection we receive the same birth as Him. Before
His resurrection He was referred to as the only begotten of God but as He rises
from the dead, He becomes the First born from the dead. The cross is the place
of finality; we are issued of One. We are called brethren of the same bosom, of
the same family. We have the same Spirit, the same access to Father God, we have
unrestricted access, a face to face audience before the Father through our
union with Christ (Hebrews 2:11, Romans 8:14-1, John 15:15, Romans 8:29, John
20:17, Ephesians 3:12). We are joint-heirs with Christ, He is for us, in us,
with us and as us, all that He is we are, all that He has we have by our union
with Christ. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the High Priest and
profession of our faith presents us blameless in Himself before the Father.
Beloved of God, the circumstances of your birth may have led you to
believe you were an accident, a child someone didn't plan to have but believe
me when I say you were foreordained by Father God to be His son. Receiving
Jesus as your life has brought you into this indissoluble union with Him, you
are a partaker of the Divine Life; you are in Him and He is in you. Father God
delightfully placed you in His Son Jesus Christ, so you could have all things
freely given along with the Son (Romans 8:32). You may not have a parent or
both parents but believe me when I say you're not an orphan. God is a good
Father and He knows just what you need before you say a word; your wellbeing is
His top priority. Pause and think for a moment, Jesus acted in your place in
His death and resurrection as our substitute and representative. So that what
He did was set to our account, accredited to us as having done it, Dr Shawn
Smith. In your place He fought, He conquered and He was victorious. You're not a
mistake neither are you an accident, you were bought at a very high price which
is Christ in your place and for your benefit. He is not ashamed to call you
brother because you're fathered by God who is the source and sustenance of your
life. You're born from above in His image and likeness. You're a son of God (1
John 3:1-2). You have no reason to be ashamed, not of your family background,
education, skin color, your size etc because neither of these determines your
worth before God. You are His beloved and His love for you is unconditional and
it is eternal.
Blessed with all blessings in Christ!
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