I was reading the Book of Acts of the Apostles recently and someone
particularly marked me; he is Barnabas originally known as Joses but surnamed
by the Apostles as Barnabas which means "son of encouragement". When
the Apostles of Jesus Christ first preached the message of the Resurrection of
Christ, he sold everything and laid it at Apostle Peter's feet. Barnabas was
described in Acts 11:24-26 as a good man, full of the Holy Ghost and faith and
he went to Tarsus to look for Saul. When he found Saul, he brought him to
Antioch where they ministered for a whole year and for the first time believers
were called 'Christians'. It was in Antioch where Saul and Barnabas were
ministering unto the Lord and fasted, after their return from Jerusalem that
the Holy Ghost said, "Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work where
unto I have called them" Acts 3:2-3,7-12. Both of them ministered to the
Deputy Sergius Paulus and despite the persecution they were filled with joy and
the Holy Ghost (Acts 13:50-52). Even after Paul was stoned, he moved with
Barnabas to Derbe. Aside from that, they we referred to as "men that have hazarded
their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 15:26).
Towards the end of Acts 15, Barnabas and Paul disagree because of John
Mark; verse 37 reveals that Barnabas was determined to take John Mark with them
despite Paul's disapproval. Paul's reason was that John Mark had left them in
Pamphilia "and went not with them to the work" which means he wasn't
ready. Barnabas refused to see reason with Paul to the point where "the
contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the
other" (Acts 15:39). Pause and think for a moment, do you think Barnabas
had done the work where unto the Holy Ghost had called him with Paul? (Acts13:2-3).
It's important to note that after this separation, we hear very little of this
zealous man who was full f the Holy Ghost and faith. Acts 16 opens with the
introduction of Timothy, he became Paul's protégé and ministered till he was martyred.
Because Barnabas gambled with his calling, he was replaced, we heard very
little of him after the spit and in Galatians 2:13b he was described as being ‘carried
away’ with the wrong doctrine.
People have missed what would have been the greatest fulfillment of
their calling because of wrong association. Others, because of greed purposely
walked away from supernatural (God-ordained relationships) in pursuit of
natural (man-made) relationships (1 Corinthians 15:33). Supernatural are
relationships as the man of God Dr Shawn Smith taught us are relationships God
uses to establish His plan for your life. There are things you things God has
purposed you will hear from none other than these people. How then do you view
these people? As supernatural relationships or as natural relationships; because
this determines how such honor you will give to these people. How committed are
you to the supernatural relationships in your life? Ephesians 6:1 commands
children to obey their parents in the Lord which means there is such a thing as
spiritual parents; obey them. Barnabas was so myopic, he didn't see the scope
of what he was called to especially through his association with Paul who later
was later commissioned with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Where God has brought
me is by His Grace alone and I pray by His Grace I am able to understand the
great scope of the plan He has established for me in Christ Jesus through the
Ministry of Dr Shawn and Annie Smith (www.gospelofchristministries.org).
Beloved in Christ, there are associations that will usher you into God's
plans, purposes and pursuits for your life in this church age. If you feel you
haven't found such an association yet, pray about it, communicate your heart's
desire to god in thanksgiving. Don't forget that the Holy Spirit is in you to
lead you into sonship which is the absolute will of God for your life (Romans
8:14-16). If you believe you have met such a supernatural association, pray to
God, express with an attitude of thanksgiving your desire to treasure and honor
this relationship above everything. Pray that delusions of grandeur shouldn't
push you to mortgage your destiny, nor will it push you to be familiar either
with them or their teachings. Pray for eyes to see the privilege you have
received just being associated with such an association so you never despise it
nor take it for granted. Believe me when I say, we are called to something
greater than us, we are a generation that will rewrite history because f this
Gospel we have received. This is absolutely divine; it extends beyond time and
my advice to each one of us is not to let ourselves be distracted by things
that do not matter.
Blessed with all Blessings in Christ!!!
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