Many days of our lives are filled with decisions to make and during this crucial time of our lives, we get either too anxious or negligent of what matters and end up making a wrong decision. We all do that sometimes but one thing I am beginning to understand is that man was designed by God to live from the inner man (1 Peter 3:4) which Apostle Peter describes as 'the hidden man of the heart'. He further describes it as born of the incorruptible seed of God; man is a spirit possessing a soul and living in a body also called a Tripartite being. Thus, we need to perceive life from our spirit and not from the soul. The soul is the seat of our emotions, affection, volition, etc. and it has this habit of attaching us to things we like and desire. Some of these things may bring us pain but we still find it difficult to stop; it's the soul. Whereas, the spirit of man is joined to the Spirit of God at regeneration; it has received the Life of God which is Eternal life. Eternal Life is the Life of God Himself, immutable, incorruptible and incorruptible. Now we have the Life of God in us and so we need to give it room to flood our lives through our souls; as we study the Word of God, fellowship in prayer, give ourselves to be taught by Ministers of the Gospel, we are daily renewed in the spirit of our minds (the soul) and gradually we will be influenced by the Spirit of God. The Man of God Dr. Shawn Smith (www.gospelofchristministries.org) taught us about being filled with the Spirit, he said "to be filled into be influenced, it refers to the influence of the Holy Spirit in the human soul. The one who is filled with the Spirit will walk in the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who brings about the experience of God's blessings because He is the One who brings about the practicality of your faith. He is the one who brings to you the thoughts of God and the materiality of God's plan. You can apprehend Christ to the extent to which you filled with the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is in us with all His ministries but He cannot execute them if we do not give Him a platform (Ephesians 5:18). To be filled with the Spirit is for the Spirit of God resident within our regenerated spirit to gain ascendency over your being, by voluntary yieldedness, in order for Him to become the dominant One You may have these very strong appetites that are influencing you negatively, taking you away from fully experiencing Christ as your only life, let the Holy Spirit influence your life with His thoughts, Words, desires, actions, nature. Your efforts will always fail and you will only feel worse, let the Holy Spirit cure wrong appetites in you. You may be faced with making a tough decision that concerns your life, do it with the certification, verification and assurance of the Holy Spirit. He is in you to give you assurance, full confidence of whose and who you are; a son of God (Romans 8-16). Let the Holy Spirit be the referee of every decision and action you make. Let His peace give you assurance of His guidance. For this to take place in our life, you need to have time in each day where we allow the Holy Spirit to minister to us through communion in prayer and thanksgiving. "We are commanded by God to be filled with the Spirit and the measure to which we fail to this, is the same measure to which we fall short of the plan of God "Dr. Annie Smith. The inward witness is a means by which the Holy Spirit communicates to us; the assurance that comes with inward peace. Our circumstances and situations are noises; they sometimes take away our focus from Christ. They bring fear, condemnation and bondage in our lives but the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace and joy (Romans 14:17). Until we quiet down the noises around us by acknowledging and confessing out loud what God is persuaded of us, we will unable to hear and follow the still small voice of the Holy Spirit Blessed with all Blessings in Christ!
