We are in the month of July and we are conscious that 6 months have passed since this year started. As much as there are things we wished we had achieved by now, there is so much more to be thankful for. As we will be thanking God for the months that have passed, I encourage each one of us to thank Him more for the months to come. The Man of God Dr. Shawn Smith has been teaching us on prayer lately, he said, 'prayer is not trying to get God's attention nor is it trying to get him to do something on your behalf...New Testament prayer is a fruit of the believer's union with Christ; it is fellowship with the Heavenly Father, that is, communion with Him. It is an intimate participation of believing and receiving what God has already given to the believer in Christ Jesus as specifically revealed in His Word'. There is a common saying that 'a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian', i believe it's true because when i take prayer for granted i become desensitized, afraid and more. Praying is communion and as you pray you become more conscious of your position in Christ, what you've been made in Him, you're conscious that He is your strength no matter the situation you face. In prayer, you become more conscious of God's might and not your limitations, His love for you and not your love for Him. It's awesome because the Holy Spirit prays the will of the Father in and through you.
You cannot say you don't have what to pray for; you have a family, friends, ministers of the Gospel and more. But if you want to limit it to yourself only, you have your life, job, relationship and more to pray for. There is so much God wants to reveal to us but we don’t take time to pray. We need to commune with God daily presenting to Him in a manner of total dependence our desires  through prayer and thanksgiving. Even Jesus, when He walked the earth he prayed; He taught prayer, not as a slavish duty but as a glorious privilege. Now are we the sons of God; Glory to God! Same for the Apostle Paul, He prayed always for the saints as He mentioned in all of his epistles.
As we have stepped into this second part of this year I want to encourage each one of us (I’m part of it) to be intentional about pursuing this intimacy with God in prayer; spending time daily as often as we can to  communicate our desires in tongues and in our understanding to God the Father as His sons in Christ. Minister to God with an open heart, forget about any situation you may be facing and believe me when I say we will experience things only God can do. We will be enlightened in the Gospel, we will meet people only God can bring our way. We will live in joy; our days will be filled with celebration because we have seen God’s goodness. We will minister with ease because Christ in us will desire and do the will the will of God through us. Don't forget that Jesus Christ has gone ahead of us to make every crooked path straight; he has subjected every oppression under His authority. We are victorious in Him. E.W. Kenyon said “For you to disobey the prayer call is for you to disobey the call of your Father.” Pray in Tongues at the least chance you have and if you think you can sing better in tongues, go because no word spoken inn Tongues is void of meaning. Dr. Shawn Smith said “One of the greatest secrets of the Apostle Paul was that he prayed in tongues. It was the reason why he knew the Gospel.” Now we got the secret of the Archetype Apostle and we can thus follow his example by making speaking in Tongues our secret and I can assure you, we’ll be an unstoppable generation.
Blessed with all blessings in Christ!
