Today, i was reading one of my books on prayer and i was led by the Holy spirit to write this blog post to mothers and wives and even sisters. Women have a great role to play in the lives of their children because they do not only bear them, they play an active role in raising them. By so doing, you're either raising responsible or irresponsable children; it's a sad reality but it's true. This post is for women in general; mothers and wives especially always pray for your children. It's no doubt that you have so many chores as well as responsibilities and it's absolutely possible to feel you don't have strength to pray but i tell you the truth; it's because you consider prayer as one of your boring chores.We all get to this place at some time in our lives,feeling weighed down by the desire to pray but my advice right now is that we should be strong enough to make declaratons upon our lives, the lives of our children, sisters, brothers and especially husbands. Effective prayer is not measured by the length nor your posture, but your consciousness of whose and who you are. You are a son of God in Christ Jesus, He has been made your righteousness, sanctification, redemption and you are uncondenmed before God.The Apostle James puts it in a better way "...the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" James 5:16. He is saying when we're prayng with the consciousness of our position in Christ as sons in Him, trememdous power is made available in us energizing us to pray even with an open heart depending entirely on God.The Holy Spirit is in us to help us in our weaknesses and prayer is one of them. Romans 8:26-27 tells us that the Spirit of God helps us in our infirmities; He makes intercession for us His saints according to His will.This therefore tells us that we have all it takes to minister unto the Lord in prayer which the Holy Spirit praying the will of God through us.

Your children go to school, they meet children from different backgrounds; they interact exchanging ideas and when this happens the idea of one must influence the othere. What do you think after that interaction your child will bring back home? What do you think your child can do if he doesn't have a basic doctrine on the Word of God? John G. Lake wrote in one of his books that the greatest crime a parent can commit against their child is to take away Jesus from their lives, he went on to say you're thus raising  a rebel. He has a point because from infancy we are commanded to train up our children in the way they should go and when they grow and when they're old, they will not depart from that teaching (Proverbs 22:6). The question now is, what have you trained your child in that he will not depart from all the days of his life? Only the Word of God has that power, it is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16). Salvation in Greek is the word 'Soteria' which speaks of your physical welbeing, security, preservation, wholeness, being fully provided for etc. Prayer in order words is saying what God has already said about you and everyone you have a loving interest in. The more you speak these words in prayer over the lives of your husband and children, the power of God is made manifest visibly in their lives and His blessings will abound towards you all. Men are faced with all kinds of challenges on a daily basis, and so the more you pray for him, the Holy Spirit will guide him into making the right choices; choices for the family's good.
You my be facing some challenges even in your marriage, your children may be rebelling against you in one way or the other. Talk to God in prayer,bear your heart out to Him with thankgiving (Ephesians 6:18) and with an atitude of consecration for our prayers are an offering to God ( Revelation 8:3). There is no limit to what God can do and mind you, don't go to God with premeditated notions like, what if it is not His will? It's God's will that we leave in joy enjoying the bounty of His love and more.No child is young to hear God and so let God raise your children through you. The more you fellowship with God in prayer, the more you will understand the Bible when you study it. More and more, you will burn with the desire to know Him and before you know it, your entire household has been transformed by the love of God.Your life is hid with christ in God, you are more than a conqueror and the triumph of Christ has gone ahead of you making any crooked path straight suppressing any opposition and turning it in your favour. You are the beloved of God, His bonafide offspring and in Him you live and move and have your being (Colossians 3:3-4, Acts 17:27-28, Romns 8:31, 1 John 4:4). Christ lives in you and so you have all it takes to be effective in prayer; He wills and does the Father's will in and through you. Tell yourself daily that it is Christ praying the will of the Father in you, through you and as you. Jesus Christ is your one and only life and you can never do anything apart from Him. Please mother, wife and sister we should not let world trends determine the outcome of our children and siblings while in Christ they could become living epistles in their generation. I believe if we educate our children in the truth of the Gospel as revealed to the Apostle Paul by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we'll be raising visible representatives of Christ. Sons of God walking on two feet and adminstrating the perfect will of God on the earth. Be conscious always that the Word of God is as powerful in your mouth as it is in His mouth, you have face to face audience with Father God, You have His undisturbed attention always and there are Angels He has assigned to minister to your every need because you're an heir of salvation and a joint heir with Christ. Thank You Lord Jesus!     

 Blessed with all Blessings in Christ!
