Recently the Father has been revealing His love for us in the most beautiful way and it is my prayer that the eyes of our understanding be opened to the might of God. While I was praying and meditating on the Word of the year of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2017, the Father started teaching me about glory. Glory is known to have three definitions which all stem from the Greek word ‘Doxa’. The first meaning of the Word ‘Doxa’ is Gods accurate view and opinion of us in Christ Jesus. Whatever we have become in the eyes of the Father is revealed in the person and finished work of Christ. As we behold Christ in His perfection and beauty through the revelation of the Gospel, we are transformed. He is our mirror image and as we see ourselves in Him, we are brought to the reality of who we are in Him. We are in Christ and He is us, it’s a mutual indwelling; He is Deity and He has made us divine. Take note that he doesn’t cease to be the Almighty God and yet He dwells in us. The second definition for the Greek word ‘Doxa’ speaks of God’s most valuable non-material asset that He Himself holds in very high esteems. God became a Man to share His glory with us, Jesus said the glory the Father had given to Him, he has given to us (John 17:22, 24, Ephesians 1:18, Colossians 1:27, John 1:14). The third definition of the Greek word ‘Doxa’ speaks of the most exalted state. We are seated with Christ in the Heavenly realms far above principalities and powers (Ephesians 1:20:23). Do you see where God is taking us this 2017? The Father has ordained the year 2017 to be the year of GLORY!
 I am rejoicing in the Holy Ghost because I am confident that God is faithful, His Word will stand for you and I. He is ushering us into an understanding of the person and finished work of His Son Jesus Christ. He is revealing our value in His eyes; where He has placed us and how much He has bestowed on us.He will make us faithful workmen that He has consecrated for His use. We will see the sovereignty and all sufficiency of Christ in every area of our lives; our ministries, marriage and relationships, careers . It’s a year of massive conversion of souls; as we preach of the Gospel many will trust in Christ as Lord and Saviour; they will bear witness of His love. Our lives will serve as a testimony of Jesus Christ and many members of our families will receive Jesus as their only life. We will grow in our consciousness and understanding of the eternal presence of God in us. The power of the resurrection life in the body of Jesus will be made evident in our physical bodies; sickness or infirmity, discouragement, fear and depression shall have no place in our lives.That old depressed cranky self of ours died in the death of Jesus Christ and we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ. We shall live above circumstances because we are more than conquerors in Christ. We shall not die but we shall live to declare the praises of Him who destroyed power of sin and death. Death has no power over us, we have the Zoe life of God in us.We are safe and secure and preserved as whole; no bone broken because Christ lives in us. Our resources shall be multiplied excessively; we shall receive divine entrepreneurial ideas because the Spirit of Christ in us has knowledge of all things and we shall partake in fostering development in our nations. The glory of Jesus Christ who is our risen Lord shall bring distinction in our lives, we shall be distinguished everywhere we go by His grace. The people that we will meet will seek to bless us, they will be those foreordained by the Father to bring advancement in the plan of God for our lives. These people will be witnesses of the transforming life of Christ in us. We will experience the power of the supernatural attestation and endorsement of the Father in our lives. We will not strain to get what grace has already provided and we will stand firm in the Gospel.  We will experience peace, joy, life, love and laughter in Christ. We are filled with the fullness of God and this 2017, the world will see Christ revealed in us.
Blessed with All Blessings in Christ!
