Some weeks ago, we had a wonderful service in my local church. it was a service where we rejoiced in the Holy Ghost with laughter, jumping, singing, dancing and giving God Glory. The presence of God was so tangible and many people experienced healing through the ministration of the Man of God. It was a glorious se to be exceedingly joyful. It alludes to inheriting the blessing of God. God's blessings in our lives are innumervice and know what? The Holy Spirit ministered to my innerman as we spoke in Tongues. He said every believer in Christ is destined to live in joy and happiness. Let's be real here, God is our Father and creator and He is a Blessed God. He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). It means that God has transferred to the believer in Christ His own state of wellbeing by speaking over him words invested with the power to make one excel and prosper. The Holy Spirit Himself has conferred to every saint all the blessings that Heaven itself enjoys.
There is a word in greek translated as blessing; it is 'Makarios' derived from the root word 'makar' which means
to be exceedingly joyful. It alludes to inheriting the blessing of God. God's blessings in our lives are innumerable and so we should always be in a state of celebration. Acknowledging that God has particularly blessed you beyond measure. Never look at yourself as inferior or unworthy because the Father has His attention on you particularly and He has taken responsibility of everything that has to do with your life and happiness. Angels have been assigned to minister specially to your every need and Christ lives in you. If you ask me, the life of every believer in Christ is perfect because of this indissoluble oneness we have with Christ.
The Spirit of God in us is always rejoicing and that is why He leads us to cry 'Abba Father' in amazement of the Father's love for us. No matter what you're facing in life let your spirit which is in union with the Spirit of God be dominant in your life and you find yourself always rejoicing. When we rejoice, we are expressing worship to God, we are declaring His all-sufficiency in our lives. When the Psalmist says in Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your encouraging us to enjoy God's presence above everything and we'll possess what we desire even faster than we expected. God keeps you safe, provides your every need and even all your wants. Remember He predestined you, He chose you, He elected you, regenerated you by the Gospel, blessed you, redeemed you and sanctified you. You are now are son of God in Christ. There may days you feel discouraged, weak, and disappointed but believe me, the life of God in us is real and i am a witness. I have been deeply depressed and God in His unconditional love reached out to me in the most beautiful way. Christ lives in us . God has sworn in His goodness to keep us away from harm and keep us free of anything that distorts the beauty of His image in us. When we rejoice many wonderful things happen in our lives; sickness disappears, supernatural provision is made and more. Joy is the fruit of the Spirit; it is the supernatural character of Jesus Christ in you. Jesus Christ in you has given you joy. The expression of joy is your prosperity.We are seated with Christ in the Heavenly realms far above principalities and powers. We have been freed from sin and death and have been made righteous. 
Thank You Lord Jesus!!!
