This morning i was reading my awesome book Delivered? An Exegetical Investigation by Dr Shawn Smith and the Father is teaching me so much so that i am overwhelmed by His love for mankind revealed in the propitiatary sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ who was the only begotten Son of the Father was made incarnate as man taking all that man is and yet He wasn't contaminated by man's nature. He was tempted at all points yet He was without sin (Hebrews 4:15). As man He died the death of all men (Romans 5:12-21), as all men had sinned through the sin of one Adam, who was a figure of Christ ans so were all men redeemed in Christ. Christ did not rescue us from the fall of Adam, He completely reversed it bringing us to the newness of life in Himself (2 Corinthians 5:17). His death , burial and resurrection brought forth a new kind of man; a man begotten and birthed by God Himself, a man made Holy, blameless and irreproachable  before the Father. He therefore made His dwelling in us bringing us to a closer than close union with the Father. Jesus received everything freely given by the Father and made it ours even His relationship with His Father, He has shared with us and He's not ashamed to call us brethren (Hebrews 2:11,17, Romans 8:14-15). After "He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on High" still with us in Him ( Hebrews 1:3). He is our faithful High Priest presenting us before the Father perfect in His body (Hebrews 10:10,14).
Jesus did not only save our souls from sin, He saved us from death and everything that brings death like infirmity, sickness and fear for His life in us quickens our mortal bodies (Romans 8:11). This is an extract on salvation from the book i mentioned earlier ..."the greek word 'SOTERIA' is described as a comprehensive, all-encompassing deliverance whereby the believer has been made whole and preserved entire, spirit, soul and body in the saving life of Christ (pg 57). Our Salvation is complete because we're saved in the Son, our salvation in Christ therefore brings us to our justification, redemption, adoption, sanctification etc all in Him (Romans 5:10). Not only is Christ living in us we're in Him as well in an indissoluble union. This implies that we're saved even from danger produced by our surroundings, even the food we eat because this constitutes parts of our daily lives. The Father has commissioned Angels to see to it that our every need is met through their ministration in our lives. (Thank You Lord Jesus)!
I will like to conclude by quoting from the book i mentioned in the beginning of this blog (it's so rich with IN Christ revelation and i totally recommend it for every believer in Christ Jesus. If you desire to have a copy you can write to me at sparklingglory15@gmail.com.)
"Once we know who Jesus Christ is for us, in us and as us, as our Mediator only then will we become accurately acquainted with His saving work in our place, on our behalf and in our benefit. The mediatorship of Jesus Christ implies that in and by Him is the mutual exchange between God and all humanity, which procures and secures salvation for all and in particular for whosoever believes. The mystery of our salvation lies in the inseparable union of God and man in Jesus Christ.  This is known as the doctrine of the hypostatic union whereby in Jesus the true nature of God and the true nature of man are indivisibly united in His one person. Jesus Christ mediates the things of God to humanity and the things of humanity to God (1 Timothy 2:5, 2 Corinthians 5:19. pg 30)
You're Blessed!
