The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings freedom. You may not be aware or conscious but without Jesus as your one and only life you are living in bondage. There are different kinds of bondage and don’t forget that fear in any form puts you in bondage. Addiction and depression are forms of bondage as well and you can hardly break free on your own, but I bring to you good news. There is a way to be free forever and that way is to know the Truth which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You may counter my argument by saying you know the gospel of Jesus Christ but you are still in bondage or struggling with fear, addictions and depression. There are two possibilities why you know Jesus and you are still caught in the web of bondage; it’s either you don’t know the real Jesus or you don’t know who you are in Him. You may still say things like ‘I go to church’ ‘I pray’ ‘I sing religious music and give my tithe and offering of course I know Jesus’ Well, I am not here to change what you know or what you believe, I desire by the Spirit of God to throw some light on our identity in Christ and how much the Father’s love has been revealed in the sacrifice of His Son Jesus for us.Thus giving us freedom from sin forever.

Permit me to be a little rhetorical here: do you know Jesus lives in you and thus the life you now live is not yours but His? Do you know He was made incarnate as man by the Father so that in His resurrection humanity might become a partaker of His divine life? Do you know in His crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, ascension and seating at the Right Hand of the Father was with you in Him? Now, Jesus being the only begotten Son of the Father (John 3:16) lives in you and what does that make you? That makes you a son in the Him. We have been made partakers of Christ as we meditate (hold fast) on this truth daily (Hebrews 3:14) take note that ‘if’ in this verse is translated in Greek as ‘since’. Christ has been made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption etc, it is Him that is righteous and because He lives in us, we receive of His righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30). We are not our own, our lives are hid with Christ in God who is our one and only life (Colossians 3:3-4, Galatians 2:20). What makes us righteous has absolutely nothing to do with us (our good works) but the love of God made manifest in Christ. He was chosen with us in mind and He died in our place that we might receive His perfect, incorruptible, untainted life which is eternal life. He saved us completely from our sins and the more we are taught the Gospel, the more we see ourselves in Him; and the more we see ourselves in Him the more our fears, addictions and depression grow deem and eventually disappear. Jesus alone defines us and our new identity stems from Him alone (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Beloved in the Lord, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth that liberates. Jesus Christ was made incarnate as man representing in Himself all of humanity, He died, was buried, after 3 days and 3 nights in the grave, the Father raised Him forth from the dead, He ascended on High and is seated at the His Right Hand still with humanity in Him. Jesus died collectively for all mankind and subjectively for you and I. He completely reversed the Fall of Adam and made us new creatures in Him. We are sanctified, redeemed and justified by faith in Him alone. We are not condemned because in His incarnation He took upon Him all our sins and yet he wasn’t contaminated by our sins. He was tempted at all points but He without sin, what a Savior we have in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4: 15). Now, as He is, so are we in this world and by the Spirit of God we can say of ourselves what we have been made in Him; holy, righteous, free, joyful. We can approach the presence of God with no condemnation of sin and  Jesus who is still the Son of God is not ashamed to call us brethren (Hebrews 2:11).

The more conscious you become of Christ living in you and being your one and only life, the less you will define yourself by your flaws and shortcomings. You will define yourself in Him thus calling yourself what He calls you. He calls you beautiful, strong, blessed, loved, prosperous, righteous in Him, healthy, happy etc. We have to intentionally let the Word of God influence our soul because it is the seat of our emotions and it affects how we see ourselves a great deal.  Our faculties should be yielded entirely to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His love for us (Hebrews 3:14). Seeing yourself in Christ as your one and only life is a starting point to receive healing, freedom and above all wholeness. He makes everything new and fills you with joy. Allow yourself to be taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ and you will experience the beauty of the life that flows from the Father in communion with the Holy Spirit in Christ. The fullness of the Godhead is in you (Colossians 2:9) you care more than a conqueror.

You’re blessed!
