Last month was the month of June and our church had a mid year celebration which was so wonderful. During that time the Man of God and Minister of the Gospel asked the saints of God this question “What are you living for?” It is a question that requires so much wisdom to give concise and wise answers. I pondered a lot on that question because it has everything to do with our convictions and priorities; what we hold in high esteem and what defines our lives. We are in the month of July, which is the seventh month ushering us into the second half of the year 2016. Back in January, we were looking forward to many things we planned to accomplish by this time of the year. We badly wanted to advance in many areas of our lives. Countless plans and projects were put together which were believed will go active anytime soon. Yes, some of my plans went as well as I had to dissolve others that were not very important but the most important thing I desire is seeing the Gospel reaching many people. I kept on asking myself these two questions:

  •       How involved am I in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
  •       How much effort am I putting in, that this Gospel might be heard by someone else?

Early this year the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ made it clear that He’s opening great ministry doors for the Gospel to reach different parts of this world. It’s a move I don’t want to miss at all. It’s the desire of our Father that we see ourselves in this Gospel of Jesus Christ, that we see it as our corporate as well as individual responsibility to take it out there.  We need to be intentionally committed to see that someone hears this Gospel. It’s not enough to just sit and of course I am living for Christ, what about your family, friends, neighbors and even strangers. We need to become one voice speaking one language which is the love of God made manifest in Christ Jesus (Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:19). He became man taking upon Himself man’s sinful nature so that man can be made perfect in His resurrection thus making man a new creation.  He is seated in the Heavenly realms with us in Him. And God was in Him reconciling the world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:19) and He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing Christ.  Christ has been made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption and we have been set free of sin, death and its consequences (1 Corinthians 1:30). We are adopted in the family of God and he surnamed us sons in Christ. We belong to a loving God!

The first part of the year has passed and we’re in the second part , and so the question we should be asking ourselves should be what do we plan to do to spread this Gospel of Grace. The Apostle Paul called himself a debtor to mankind (Romans 14-15) because of the revelation of the love of God revealed in Christ Jesus and we too have been privileged to receive it too, we are debtors. We are so valuable to God that He desires above all things that our understanding be enlightened in the beauty and power of His love for us all. Don’t say you’re not called to be a minister; for every believer is a saint, every saint a minister and together we co labor with Christ to reconcile the world to the Father. We need to work together as sons who serve for the Spirit of Christ in us guides us to do the work of the Father on the earth. We need to be conscious of the fact that we are not living for ourselves because the One whose life is in us lives for His Father will and so that is to be what we are living for as well. Our lives are not separate from the life of Christ in us (Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 4:5-6, Colossians 3:3-4), we are in Him and He is in us. We have been engendered by God who is the One true living God; Father, Son and Holy Ghost revealed in our Lord Jesus Christ who is truly God and truly man. Lay aside procrastination and stand firm in the Gospel of Jesus Christ because that is all we live for (1 John 5:20). We live for the Gospel; we live to make it known to those around us and many more. Through us the glory of God is revealed and so all we need to do is let our faculties be ruled by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I believe that there is no greater calling in the life of any believer in Christ than to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God many use to in many ways to show His manifold wisdom but the prime motivation is to reveal Christ in us. Jesus is my life and He is what I am living for!

You Are Blessed!!!
