Some days when I'm alone I prefer not to have company because I already have in my mind. On such days, I meditate on varied issues of life and it’s no secret that I ask too many questions. Some days ago I was burdened by a lot of things about life; and the more I tried to understand why they happened the way they do, the Father made me understand that a lot will change once the Gospel gets out there. We need to be ready to spread this gospel of Jesus Christ, we need to stand for what we believe, we need to talk freely and joyfully about this wonderful Savior we have in Christ Jesus. The more the eyes of my understanding are enlightened by the Holy Spirit the more I want to know this Jesus; our risen Lord King.  Jesus Christ who is the only begotten of the Father becomes incarnate as man taking up the sinful nature of man, is crucified with us in Him, dies with us in Him, was buried and after 3 days and 3 nights in the grave He rose with us still in Him. Now making us the new creation race in Himself (2 Corinthians 5:17), he ascended on high and is seated at the right hand of the Father still with us in Him. With us in him, Jesus presents us before the Father blameless and irreproachable. This is more than awesome!

 God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself and not imputing sin on us. Because we are in Christ God doesn’t impute sin on us and that we are not condemned! God is Awesome! In His mercy, He feels our pain and fills us with what is lacking. He knows when we cry and when we’re hurting because we are in Him and He is in us. God is a merciful loving Father. Christ has been made unto us wisdom, righteousness, wealth, health, peace, joy etc and we are not limited by time, space, distance, race, height etc. We originate from the Father and He defines us in every single way. Jesus has freed us from any form of bondage; whether health challenges, addictions, and manipulation etc by our union with Him we have been made free forever. He loves us to the extent that there is practically nothing that can separate us from Him and so we are the ones alienating ourselves from our Father thinking we are not worthy. You are safe, secure and preserved as whole because Christ lives in you and He keeps you safe in Himself ( 1John 5:13). We are blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus.

You are a voice in this generation called to proclaim the wondrous works of Jesus Christ. Let us lay aside any differences we may have; our focus should be more on making this message of Grace known to those around us. Don’t say you can’t because I know the strength comes not from you but from Christ who dwells in you. Let’s unite with the goal of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I don’t deny that there are teachings co-mingling the whole gospel message but because we know this truth revealed in Christ Jesus we will spread it. We are blessed to be born in a time when God is raising young men and women to minister this Gospel of Grace. Follow these preachers who preach the Gospel of Grace with grace, submit yourself to be taught by them, don’t be silent and be determined to participate in spreading this Gospel. We belong to a divine race that has its origin from the one and true living God. The source and sustainer of life, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has lovingly included us in His beloved family and He has also become our Father. If we have come to this knowledge of our Father who has revealed His love for us in His Son Jesus Christ, the best we can do is make this message known to others. Together I believe we can spread this message by intentionally and consciously preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Together we can point millions to the love of Christ; together we can bring the reality of the beauty of the saving works of Christ to those who are hurting, those who think they aren’t worthy, those who think God is mad at them etc. We only need to do one thing; lets’ be one voice and stand for nothing short of the TRUTH which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

You are Blessed!!!
