Some people find it hard to believe that Christians struggle. Of course, they do just like everyone else. We are all faced with different circumstances and situations in our everyday lives and the question is not about why we face these situations but how.  There are days when we struggle with anxiety, depression, ‘mini’ addictions, fear, sickness, pressure etc and we keep thinking we’re not worthy of God’s love and mercy. I called addictions ‘mini’ because as believers we always try to break free from some things on our own by taking breaks on some days but Jesus alone gives complete freedom and restoration from any addiction (mini or major). Remember that the fact that you are being tempted in an area doesn’t make you're less of a Christian but rather it’s a sign that you are growing in the knowledge of God and that you have identified with a system of truth that defines your priorities. This may appear to you like repetition but it’s an absolute necessity in our walk of faith. Jesus became incarnate as man taking upon Himself all that we are; weaknesses, failures, struggles and more under consideration. He was crucified, He died, was buried and He resurrected still with us in Him. He ascended on High and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father with us in Him. We have been made anew with the name ‘New Creation’; we are no longer defined by our weaknesses, our struggles, our failures because these things weaken our experience of Christ in us. We have been made perfect and complete in Christ not because of what we do but because of our union with Him (Colossians 2:10). All that we are and have in Christ is because of what He accomplished for us in His finished works. We have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17, 21) and Christ has been made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30) and He has become our one and only life (Galatians 2:20, Colossians 3:3). In Christ we have been included into God’s divine family and we are now called ‘sons of God’ (John 1:13, Galatians 4:7, Romans 8:14). We have received the Spirit of adoption and we are reconciled to the Father through Jesus Christ our Savior (Romans 8:15). We have been made co-heirs together with Christ (Romans 8:17) and so we have what He has in Himself. Because we have the indestructible, incorruptible, untainted life of God in us, we have been made free from any form of bondage.

The life we have in Christ determines our standing before God who is our Father but how we face the circumstances and situations of life now defines how we accommodate our standing as sons born of God. The best way to ever combat depression, fear, pressure, addiction is walking in consciousness of your identity in Christ. As we behold the image of the one true God revealed in His Son Jesus Christ, we behold the image from which we are born and thus we see ourselves in Him. We struggle mostly because we have a distorted image of who God is and what He did through Jesus Christ; His only begotten Son who is our eternal Savior. We are greater than those things that come to torment us distorting our view of God’s grace, love and mercy. The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17).

When depressing thoughts find their way in my mind and I know I don’t have to entertain them, I start singing a song that speaks of the beauty of God’s love, the finished works of Christ. It’s not like it just disappears but I persist even if it makes me cry I go on dwelling on the image of Christ in me and how much His love for me is particular, how I know He feels what I am feeling right now and in His mercy He will succuor me and fill me with His peace. Before I know it, I am feeling peaceful within which suddenly makes me happy. It’s not a one day thing, practice it as many times as you can in a day, that way you will grow more and more in assurance of what Jesus Christ has done for you. Don’t let yourself be defeated, you belong to the King of Kings and He has made you an overcomer (1 John 5:4, Colossians 1:27). He is a God who loves dearly. It is not about your strength but His strength at work in you. You will not be weighed down; because the joy of the Lord is your strength.

You Are Blessed!!!
