Some days ago when I got back from work I offered a 10 year old girl a packet of biscuits and she happily said thank you and started eating it. Some minutes later  when she came to the kitchen to get portable water for her friend, because  she saw me in the kitchen at that moment she got offended and threatened me not to touch her biscuits. Now she was caught between going to give her friend water and protecting her biscuits that she started crying. Why? Because she thinks once she turns her back I will steal the biscuits. Wait, the last time I checked, I offered her that and now why does she think I will steal it in her absence? I got offended and though I didn’t say a word to her, but the message I got was that she didn’t trust me and thought I would do what she is afraid of (funny enough I rarely eat biscuits). The more I dwelled on the whole scenario; I realized that it’s what we do to God like everyday if not every time. There are countless areas of our lives that we have inscribed as “no go zone for God” either consciously or unconsciously and for the simple reason that we think it’s too small and because it doesn’t have to do with prayer, He is totally excluded. Someone may counter this argument by saying it’s not true but basic English taught us that actions speak louder than words and so most of our actions proof that we’re dealing with trust issues towards God. (That’s Sad)!

This is God we’re talking about; He is the creator of everything with different shapes and colors. He is the One and True living God, who was before the foundation of the world creating all things to exist beautifully in His manifold wisdom.  He is the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Father of lights who was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He has placed us in Christ who is the sole author of our salvation that we might partake of His very life which is incorruptible, indestructible, untainted and eternal. He is a wise and humble God who enters His creation taking upon Himself its nature tainted by sin and death in order to completely set them free from any form of bondage. He foreordained in Himself our union with Christ so that He might make us His sons; surnamed as His and blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. He has made us heirs together with His only begotten Son Jesus Christ and He has sent His Spirit in our hearts crying Abba Father because we’re His sons. He has made us holy, righteous, and through our adoption we have received His life. Through our regeneration we have our origin from the Father, being made born again as new creation in Christ Jesus. Christ has been made unto us wisdom, righteousness, peace, joy and we have His life in us. God is a perfect giver and He gives irrevocably; He sent His Son to die in our place freeing us completely from the consequences of sin and death. We are not condemned because we are in Christ. The Father has revealed Himself to us in Christ Jesus and we are confident of the love He has for us through the revelation of His Son. We are saved by the life of the Son of God who is Jesus Christ (1 John 5:11-12).

Struggling to impress God believing we’re doing a great deal for Him serves us nothing but pain. We have to come to terms with the fact that we have life that is found only in the Son Jesus Christ sustained by the Eternal God of Love, light and life. We belong to Him and He loves us more than we can fathom with our natural minds. Since He calls us sons who belong to Him, He is thus declaring that He is more than able to provide everything we need and will ever need. We don’t need to struggle alone when His arms are wide open to receive us and mercifully fill us with all that we have need of. God’s mercy is His love twice mentioned (a deeper degree of His love). We shouldn’t trace a line on any area of our lives calling it private, the Father’s love for us outweighs any challenge we can ever face and it's not secret He is a lover of mankind. He is always ready to succor us to the uttermost. Let Christ live His life in and through you for He alone sustains us through His life in us. Give your all for the spread of the Gospel and in so doing you become more enlightened in your appreciation of Grace. God has freely given you all things and so do not hold back because He has abundance with your name inscribed on it. Together let us rest in the love of God for us and our world will be ruled by His peace and His life in us.

You’re Blessed!!!


  1. Start your day positively and the rest will follow. Please do visit my site.Thank you and have a good day.



  2. Walking every moment of your life with the consciousness that you are safe,secure and preserved in the love of God, gives you peace to go on everyday. We are in Christ and we partake of His life which is indestructible.You're blessed sis!


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