-I'm not worthy

-I'm not beautiful, smart or eloquent enough

-I don't deserve to be treated with such love

-I don't belong anywhere; not even in a family

-I can't do any anything sensible; I am so flawed and clumsy

-I don't deserve to be identified with Christians

-I don’t believe I am saved

These are statements we make almost on a daily basis about ourselves. We put ourselves in the worst place in life believing we deserve what's happening to us especially in the negative sense. Some of us go as far as hurting ourselves because we believe we're made for pain. I used to think same because I believed I had committed too many sins and some were right after I had repented. I didn't believe I was worth anything good; I always felt I couldn't measure up to all those good 'church girls'. I am glad by the Spirit of God, I have been led to understand that Jesus is all that I am and all I that I can ever be and so He defines me. Jesus showed us His love by taking upon Himself our unworthy human nature, He was crucified, He died, was buried, after 3 days and nights in the grave He rose from the dead still with our human nature. He ascended to heaven and He is seated at the right hand of the Father for us, with us and as us.

The Gospel of Christ was revealed to the Apostle Paul by Jesus Christ Himself after his ascension and thus what the Apostle record are things Our Lord Jesus Christ revealed to him after His glorification. He revealed to the Apostle of Grace what describes the new nature of the believer at the indwelling of Christ (Romans 16:25, Galatians 1:17-18, Romans 11:13). Christ dwells in us and He has made us complete in Him, we have His life in us in its fullness (Colossians 2:9, 1 Corinthians 2:16-17). He has made us worthy to be called sons of God (1 John 3:2, Romans 8:14). He has been made unto us righteousness, wisdom, redemption, sanctification etc (1 Corinthians 1:30). We have become new creatures in Him, belonging to a royal Priesthood and have been given the honor and privilege to partake of His life (1 John 5:11). We have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us and we are free from the consequences of sin (Hebrews 2:14, 2 Timothy 1:10). He is our peace, joy, love, and above all our sole and Eternal Savior. He is our compassionate High Priest presenting us before the Father blameless in Himself. In Christ we are accepted into the beloved and we have free access to the Father (Ephesians 3:12). In Christ we’ve been blessed with every spiritual and physical blessing (Ephesians 1:3), we have been given irrevocable gifts in Him (Romans 11:29). The Father so loves us that there is nothing that can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39) and by the stripes of Jesus Christ we were healed of our infirmities (spirit, soul and body). We are safe and secure through our union with Christ, preserved as whole in Him because as He keeps Himself He keeps us safe in Himself (1 John 5:18, 1 John 4:4, 13).

The words you say to yourself should be the words Jesus says about you. See yourself in Him and if you’ve been keen enough you will realize that this is about Him and not about us. God delightfully foreordained man to live in His Son Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:4-14) and we have no life out of Him. The circumstances of life may tell you something contrary (it always will) but hold on to God’s persuasion of you. You are destined to reign in this life and you are distinguished by Grace. Give yourself daily to Bible study, read books of Ministers of the Gospel and listen to their teachings as well. Don’t relent if you feel you don’t seem to understand much keep it up the Holy Spirit is your teacher and He will reveal to you the wonderful things of God. In doing so, those things which try to steal your attention, giving you that sense of unworthiness and insecurity will grow deem and eventually disappear and all you will see is the love of God revealed in His Son Jesus Christ for you. Remember, we talk ourselves out of the finished works of Christ when we hold tight to the opinions we have of ourselves more than what God says about us. I say it again God calls you blessed, redeemed, righteous, worthy, free, valuable, precious, rich, healthy, peaceful, happy, etc and I call you same. Christ being your one and only life has qualified you for everything He did and you deserve it now because He has made you a beneficiary. Quit talking yourself out of your abundance, blessings, wealth, health etc and rejoice in all that Jesus has done for you.

You are blessed!
