This post is the hundredth blog post by SPARKLING GLORY since it started in October 2015. I
decided to make it special because, through blogging, I have learnt so much,
and it has empowered me to study even more, to spend time in prayer with God
and to be more focused in every area of my life especially spiritually. I have
blogged when I am dealing with so much in my life and career but through the
Spirit I was able to blog His mind and not mine. SPARKLING GLORY has created in
me the desire and the passion to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ more than
ever in my whole life. Today, I just want to write a prayer for everyone who
has looked at the blog or who follows the blog because this is the best way to
say thank you. As much as I always pray for you all, I am glad to post this
prayer for you.
and loving Father, Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we thank You for
Your Grace, Your love and Your Mercy. Thank You Father for revealing this Gospel through
Your Son Jesus Christ to Apostle Paul, who wrote it in his epistles; to the church and for the Spirit of Your Son revealing it
more and more to men whom You have called and sent to the church of this
present church age. Thank You for the ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
through whom we are able to understand these mysteries revealed. We thank You for the irrevocable gifts of
reconciliation, adoption, righteousness, justification, redemption, sanctification etc; through Your only
begotten Son Jesus Christ. Thank You Father for our placement in Christ which has
given us the honor and privilege to be called Your sons. Thank You for the gift
of life in Christ Jesus, an untainted, incorruptible, indestructible life that we
have in Him. Thank You Father for we are complete in Him and in Him we are
blameless, uncondemned and sinless before You. Thank You because in Christ we
have found our true identity and nature, in Him we are able to walk in purpose
and fulfillment, in Him we are endowed with knowledge of Your will for our
lives. Thank You for in Jesus we are safe, secured and preserved as whole; we
are freed from diseases, depression, poverty, lack and we know Father that we
are enriched by You in every area of our lives. Thank You Father for Your saving
works in Christ which has set us free from fear, sickness, infirmity, trauma and anything contrary
to the person and finished works of Christ. Thank You Eternal Father, for the
Spirit of Your Son in our hearts crying Abba Father and bearing witness with us
that we are Your sons and daughters. Thank You Father because the more we are
taught the Gospel of Grace, the more we are exposed to the mysteries of the
abundance we have received from You. Christ in us is our wealth, health,
assurance, healing, prosperity, life, peace, joy etc. We will be fruitful in
every domain of our lives, we will spread Your Gospel with joy and we will be
effective in all that we do in spreading this Gospel of Truth. Thank You Father
because in Your Son Jesus is found wisdom and understanding and we will submit
ourselves to be taught so we too can teach our friends, children and every
other member of our families. We will not seek to be like another because we
are each an original created by You; we are beautiful, strong, creative,
industrious, loved and valued by You. Your life in our spirits gives life to
our souls and bodies and our whole being is an expression of Your glory. Father,
You said this is a year of harvest, a year in which many will come to knowledge of
this Gospel of Your Son, a year where many will receive this Gospel and will
share it to their families, friends and loved ones, a year when your glory will be revealed in several areas of our lives. We rest in the assurance and confidence of Your love for us and we know we will never be put to shame because we trust in you. No one that reads this blog will remain
the same, they will be transformed by the beauty of Your Grace, and many will
want to know this Jesus who became all that we are in order to make us all that
He is in Himself. Many will want to know this Jesus who was ready to take our
place to set us free from any form of oppression, and who overcame everything
because of His love for us. We have a newness of life and it came only through
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We will not look at our circumstances to
define us because the One in whom we have life was victorious for us and so we
face life from a point of victory in Him. Because God calls you whole, happy,
peaceful, freed from fear, rich, preserved, loved, graced and blessed I call
you same in the Name of the Lord of all creation, the One in whom dwells the
fullness of the Godhead, the Name that is above every other Name, the Name of
Jesus Christ.
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