For a while now, I noticed on social media there’s what I’ll call a game where some questions are asked, you give your “honest” answers and you will be given the results of the ‘test’. You will judge for yourself if that’s who you are. At times, because the results turned out better than what you thought you’ll share it on Facebook. Seriously? Your life is not a puzzle that God is putting together to see which one fits and where it does. Do you know that most of those games are done by astrologers? It’s another form of astrology used to manipulate people and to derail them from what they believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s important to note that, the human mind is naturally conditioned to be curious and curiosity unchecked gives birth to anxiety. What mostly pushes us to play those games is either to know if we have a bright future or if something good will happen to us. Harmless as it may sound but it eventually becomes something you start relying on to come true in your life. Take note of the kind of questions they ask you;

     When was your soul born?

     What is your spiritual gift?

    What is your biblical nickname?

    Which message does God have for you?
    What is your true nature?

 Our future as believers in Christ is secure in Him alone because He is everything that we are. You were foreordained by God from the foundation of the world to exist in His Son Jesus Christ. You don’t need to take a quiz to know your spiritual gift because you are endowed by the Holy Spirit that is in you. You don’t need to take a quiz to know what God is saying to you because by virtue of your union with Christ Jesus, you have an uninterrupted audience before God and apart from speaking to you through His Word; He speaks to you sometimes through your inner man or audibly. Our true nature as believers is Christ, let us see ourselves in Him because that is who we are( Colossians 3:3-4a) In Christ we have been redeemed, sanctified, justified by faith and for us to keep our focus on all that we have been freely given in Christ we need to be conscious of this union. Christ has been made unto us wisdom and righteousness and thus we have the mind of Christ.  We must keep aside these doctrines that contradict who we are in Christ or doctrines which do not identify with the person and finished works of Christ. These things weaken our experience of Christ and it clouds our understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Remember that some things may be acceptable but may not be profitable.

Brethren, I used to partake in these games but the more I did the more I realize how unreliable I saw God in His ways in my life. I wanted those things to come true as soon as possible and because they didn’t, I became disappointed. Let’s be more conscious of the Christ in us. Consciousness of who we are in Him will enable us not to be anxious about the future because we are confident we are safe, secure and preserved as whole in Him. You are not defined by anything except by Christ. You are born of God ( John1:13). God is a loving Father and if He didn’t spare His only Son and sent Him to come and die for us and as us (Romans 8:32); then we’re obviously of more value to Him than we know. Let’s refrain from ‘little’ things that do not build us spiritually and be more involved in things that enlighten us more in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

You’re Blessed!
