God took pieces of everything wonderful to make moms.
God took the fragrance of a flower...
The majesty of a tree...
The gentleness of morning dew...
The calm of a quiet sea...
The beauty of the twilight hour...
The soul of a starry night...
The laughter of a rippling brook...
The grace of a bird in flight...
Then God fashioned from these things
A creation like no other,
And when his masterpiece was through
He called it simply – Mother.

Some years ago, on Mother's day, my 5 year old niece told her mom a beautiful short story which got her mom all teary with joy. She told her mom that when God told her she was coming to earth as a baby, He showed her so many moms from different races, but her mom smiled, the beauty of her smile assured her of an angel of a mother and so she told God she has chosen her mom to be her mom. And truly, not only her mom's smile assures her of her love for her kids but she is blessed to the daughter of such a wonderful mother. I wonder where she got that idea from but i love it. I love my mom, she is a gift that only Grace can give to a person. She is my mother, my friend, my teacher, my counsellor and more than i can express. I am blessed to be my mother's daughter and will always choose her because she's worth more than silver and gold or anything money can ever buy. She is my Blessing. Thank You Lord Jesus For the blessing of a Mother.

Celebrating the gift of Grace through our Mothers...You're our Blessing!!!
