Some weeks ago, while I was trying to rest in my bedroom I heard two ladies discussing outside  and I like ‘eavesdropped’ on what they were saying which baffled me.  I don’t do that often but what caught my attention was a question one of the ladies asked the other and I was more baffled by the reply that followed. The first lady knows the other as a ‘born again’ because she’s so active and committed in her church. The question she asked was, “why do you serve God?”. Then came the strangest thing I ever heard (she took out a sticker from her bag and said to the former) “you can’t hold this and live any how because God is a consuming fire and if you abuse this sticker you will go to hell. Our God is a God of fire and you don’t have to joke with His holy ‘things’”. I jumped from my bed and rushed outside and they were gone. My oh My!!! It’s a real life situation, a lot of believers cannot stand and defend what they believe simply because they are not taught. They go to a church that will teach them prosperity and success yet out of Christ. They have been in a church for decades and are still dependent on prophecies and words of knowledge, no spiritual growth (I believe in the gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit and I believe it is for every believer in Christ under the leadership of the Holy Spirit). She is not the only one, many believers today have lost tract of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the extent that they have become victims to deceivers of the first brand. Some ‘believers’ cannot separate truth from falsehood because the eyes of their understanding is with clouded with darkness. They are more in pursuit of miracles and physical displays (don’t get me wrong, I believe in miracles because I believe in Jesus Christ) of the energies of God.
Brethren, my question for us all to ponder on is ‘Do you believe Jesus shed His blood so that mankind would be dependent on a man-made sticker to receive salvation? I don’t believe so, the Jesus I know is the Eternal Son of God, who was fully God and fully man, the only begotten of the Father, the Author of salvation, the One in whom dwells the Godhead, the Propitiation for our sins, the Express image of the Father. He is the One in whom we have received access to the Father through adoption as sons in Him; He is the High Priest of our profession, our advocate and mediator and He represents us before the Father, He is the one in whose Name we are saved and made whole, He is the true endorser of our identity and in Him we have eternal life. There is nothing about you that He is not aware of because He is in you and you are in Him which is a mutual indwelling.  He secured our eternal Salvation in His once and for ever Sacrifice for our sins. His blood was shed for our redemption, sanctification and we are justified by faith in Him. We are complete in Him. We have received favor in Him. In Christ, we are able to receive God's abundant grace.  He is Lord of all.
What I believe as the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed to the Apostle Paul is, Jesus became incarnate as man taking upon Himself all of humanity(Hebrews 2:9), He was crucified with all of mankind in Himself, He died with mankind, He was raised from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights by the Father with all of mankind in Him, He ascended to heaven and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father and still with all of mankind in Him (2 Corinthians 5:14-15, Romans 6:3-10, Ephesians 2:5-6, Galatians 4:4-7, Hebrews 10:10-14, Romans 8:1, John 3:16, Acts 13:39, Titus 3:7, John 1:12-14, Galatians 3:26)
Truth brings about freedom, freedom brings about growth and maturity. You cannot grow in spiritual knowledge unless exposed to the truth. Truth brings life and light, it banishes all fears and all you become conscious of is LOVE. Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the Life.

You Are Blessed!! 
