Yesterday, i sat beside a young lady who was using her phone during service under the pretext that she has a downloaded Bible saved in it. Well, i am not against you using any devise for Bible study but if you are any thing like me, it will be a distraction. Just like my service neigbor couldn't help but peep from time to time in her Whatsapp, facebook etc to see who is online and what are they saying. It's so easy to be distracted when we are using our phones in church and i tell you that it is not the first or second person who has done that beside me in church. There are times when you might discover a post and you want to reply during service. Goodness! This is God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the creator of all mankind. We have to come to that place in our lives where we reverence the things of God, where we hold the things of God in very high esteem. Seriously give yourself time to pause and think of the Grace made available to us in Christ Jesus.
Then comes another neighbor, who comes to church without a bible or notebook and starts disturbing everyone asking for a paper and pen to note something. Hello! Why did you come to church? When you, as a believer answer this question you will know what to carry with you to church and what to focus on during service. Some hate to sing, others hate to pray; they pray with such a lowly attitude. I always put it this way "Like not another session of prayer, i am already so tired". What are we doing? Where is our focus? If our eyes are not fixed on the the Author of our being, what are we focusing on? The things we see around us? The same things He created and gave us dominion over and not to make idols out of them?
We should make a conscious decision not to give second place to the things of God. We shouldn't let circumstances determine how we serve our God. We should not let ourselves be influenced by our desires or let petty things hold us back from giving our Almighty Ever living Father our all. Esteem the things of God because they are more than what we would ever get on our own. It shouldn't only be in church, honor the Name of God and when you are having a quiet time be serious and committed. Some people act as if they are being forced to pray to their Heavenly Father.When going to church you should have a note book, a pen and if possible a marker, make your heart ready to receive the Word and refuse to be familiar with the Word of God(Acts 17:23). Take part in everything done during the service; worship and offering etc The things of God are so beautiful and until you are given willingly to them, the beauty of the mysteries can hardly be revealed to you. Not because God doesn't want you to know but because you don't act interested but never forget that KNOWING CHRIST IS KNOWING YOUR TRUE IDENTITY.
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