There are countless lies that we’ve told ourselves; so many more we keep telling ourselves and there are so many we’ve believed about ourselves. These lies have had their roots go so deep within that to break free from them is like a part of us will be taken away from us. We have internalized some of these lies to the extent that we have accepted and believed they are part of us. Some of these lies have to do with you not being worthy of God’s love and all the blessings He has freely bestowed on you, you feel you need to do something perfect for God to answer your prayers, you feel you don’t qualify for many things in life etc. At times we even believe the bad things happening to us is punishment from God. God is our loving Father and He is the Author of our union with Him (Ephesians 1:3-16). No wonder Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans said we should not be conformed to the standards of this world but we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds…(Romans 12:2). Only the Word of God (John 1:1) can transform our minds. When we are battling insecurity and self worth, it’s because we told ourselves we couldn’t measure up to some people and thus we put ourselves in an inferior position than they. Look at yourself in the mirror and say “I am worthy because Jesus lives in this body”. No matter how many times in an hour you have to say that to yourself, do it. Our identity as believers is found in none other than Christ. He identified with us when He took up humanity in Himself and thus leveling every ground of self worth and insecurity. Your physical look does not define you. Your face will wrinkle as a result of age, you will retire from your job, there is absolutely no guarantee in fame because you are cheered today and tomorrow you’re booed and made mockery of. Everything you ever told yourself which is not CHRIST LIVING IN YOU is false. Jesus became all that we are when he took on the nature of man and became incarnate in His mother’s womb and at His resurrection, ascension and seating at the right hand of the Father we became like Him because we have His life in us(2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 4:25, 2 Corinthians 8:9). Take note that in 2 Corinthians 8:9 ‘poor’ does not refer to material wealth, it is when a man is ruled by his own senses, he lacks knowledge of his identity and everything that concerns his inheritance in Christ and so Jesus took up that nature that we might become ‘rich’ that is, ruled by the Spirit of God who is now teaching us all that we are and have as inheritance through our union with Christ Jesus. For the truth of the Gospel to have its proper place in our lives, we have to discard all these lies we have dwelled on for so long and let Jesus Christ is who the life in us teach us through the Holy Spirit in us. Everyday, look at yourself in the mirror and tell that person you see there that ‘I am one with Christ and He is my life, I am not defined by the things I have or my achievements because I am defined by what God is persuaded about me. I have been set free from my past and my only life now is Jesus Christ. I have been given all things in Him and I am a partaker of God’s nature (2 Corinthians 5:17, Colossians 3:3, Romans 8:1).

You’re Blessed!!!
