Everyone has fears no doubt but men try always to appear strong and fearless meanwhile they have some secret fears. Sometimes our fears are so strong that they become insecurities. As much as the fears of women are almost always evident, men too have fears. Most days, when men are faced with the challenges of life, their fears double and you realize that they are likely to do something which is least expected of them. During these times they think they are fighting against all odds but the results turn out even worse. There are 3 main areas from which stems the greatest fears of men (gender implied).

The Fear of Death: Many men are afraid to die and thus they go from place to place looking for things they feel can keep them alive. Here in Africa, some people go to witchdoctors hoping to fight the sting of death off their lives. Some men have resorted to eating only vegetables or drinking naturally made drinks to increase their live span. Scientists claim that if a man succeeds to live up to 65 years then chances are high he will live up to 84 years of age. Men and brethren, Jesus conquered death through His death and resurrection and He is alive in us. The word Salvation in Greek is “Soteria” which means ‘wholeness’, deliverance, soundness of mind and body etc. The Scripture says, “Christ lives in you, and this is your assurance that you will share in His glory” (Colossians 1:27). Because Jesus is alive and lives in you, you shall not die, you anchored unto Him that conquered death. Jesus defeated the grave and ascended unto the right of the Father with you and as you. Sickness or infirmity has no room in your life because your life is hid with Chrits in God. He that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and calls you His son(John 11: 25-26, Galatians 2:20 2 Corinthians 15).

The Fear of Marrying the Wrong Woman: Most men have ended up with what they term ‘wrong woman’ because they were originally afraid to end up with one. Men have described a ‘wrong woman’ as one who makes a man unhappy, she frustrates his life and leaves him in a total mess. As a man, if you don’t want to be with a woman, then don’t date her out of pity because if you end up marrying her unhappiness will be inevitable. If you don’t want to be with a woman politely and kindly stand for your values, she will respect you more than if you had been with her and messed up her life. Hurting others to get something is selfish and you also end up hurt because you feel like you are chasing shadows. Your fear of ending up with the wrong woman is because you are trusting in your senses to find a wife. Proverbs 3:5-6 says   Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. God is the Author of all things including marriage and so you have to trust Him solely to guide you in meeting a woman who will love you even when you don’t love yourself. God is your Father and He is the giver of the best things in life (Romans 8:14, vs. 26-27). He knows our hearts and what we’ll become as time passes.

The Fear of Failure: Some days ago, I was listening to this song on TV and the songwriter kept on asking the question ‘Would you still love me the same’. For many men, failure is always an issue and even when they fail they want their loved ones to see it better than what it seems. This songwriter I can say, represents most men who are expressing their fear of failure and asking if their wives and family will still love them like nothing happened? Men are afraid to fail because they are afraid to lose their wives, children and friends etc. A love whose source is Jesus Christ, forgives all things and though it will not always be easy, it is not impossible. The more you try to be perfect sometimes the more you fail and that is why God said His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:8-9). The more we try to be perfect by our own making, the more we fail and thus more pressure will be on us. Being perfect as a man is not the quality a woman will fall in love with, she will love you as flawed as you are. Don’t ever tell yourself dear brother that you will lose respect and your dignity because you erred in an area of life but always strife to do your best in everything for it doesn’t go unnoticed. Money doesn’t define your success in life but what comes from the Almighty Father is more than what you could ever work for or try to achieve on your own.

Brothers, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13), you are born of God and you have Christ dwelling in you. Your life is preserved and secured because your life is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). God knew how much fear you will have as a man and that is why He sent Jesus first to die for you and as you for the Holy Spirit to dwell in you and guiding you (Romans 8:14). Because you have placed your trust in God, he will lead you to a woman who fears God and serves Him wholly and who will love you.

You Are Blessed With All Blessings In Christ Jesus!!
