Women are the strength of every home and nation. As a woman, you should conduct yourself in a way I will describe as an honorable woman. A woman of honor is a woman whose first priority is the Word of God. Her standard of existence is based on God’s opinion of her. Her heart is given to do what will give God glory (Acts 16:13). There are qualities that differentiate a woman from being just a woman to being a woman of honor. Below are some qualities that makes a Christian woman a woman of honor. In Luke 10:38-42 we see that Martha receives Jesus in to her home but goes about busying herself with Serving (which is not bad in itself) but what was needful at that moment was what Mary, her sister did. She sat at the feet of Jesus, listening to His teachings. Because Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, she understood something that Martha did not. In John 11: 30-36, when Jesus came to Bethany after the death of Lazarus, the approach of both Mary and Martha to Jesus are different. Martha had a powerful conversation with Jesus but she was just speaking because we later see in verse 38 that she is still the first person that tries to stop Jesus when He commands people to open the tomb. Mary on the other hand fell at Jesus’ feet and wept knowing that He can make her brother come back to life. She also anoints Jesus’ feet six days before Passover after which Jesus will be crucified. A woman of honor is led by the Spirit of God through her union with Christ. When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, she became one of His evangelist right away; converting a whole village (John 4:28-29). Priscilla was exceptionally determined to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 18:24-28) along with other women like Phoebe (Romans16:1-2), Junia (Romans 16:7) amongst many others who labored with Paul (Philippians4:3). A woman of honor talks to everyone she meets about Jesus Christ." SHE IS A DILIGENT AND A SKILLED CRAFTS PERSON. She works hard aside from ministry (Proverbs 31:13). Lydia in Acts 16:14was a seller of purple which means she had something which brought income into the family. Dorcas was a seamstress; Deborah was a judge (Judges 4:1-4). A woman of honor works with her hands and she puts her education to use. She is industrious and doesn’t give in to idleness. SHE BELIEVES IN THE POWER OF HER CALLING. Deborah was described as a prophetess (Judges 4:1), Lydia served in the church together with her household, Priscilla (Acts 18:24), the four daughters of Philip (Acts 21:8, 9) and many women who served with Paul. Mary Magdalene was the first to proclaim the message of the risen Savior (John 20:18) “I have seen the Lord” she said to the disciples after the resurrection. She gives to the needy, not only on the streets but in her church (Acts 9:39). Dorcas made sweaters for widows and the proverbs 31 woman gives to those in need as well (Proverbs31:20). In her wisdom, she comes up with new ways to expand her business and she doesn’t limit herself to her local environment (verses14 & 18). Verse26 emphasizes more on her wisdom and how she changes lives with it. SHE SUBMITS TO HE AUTHORITY OF HER HUSBAND: With all the hard work and successes, some women might be tempted to compete with or look down on their husbands. But NO, a woman of honor submits under the authority of her husband (Titus 2:5, Proverbs 10) and she thus wins his trust. She is a crown of her husband and takes good care of him; his laundry, she cooks good meals for him and supports his dreams and pursuits in life. She dresses modestly and decently always. SHE TAKES RESPONSIBILITY OF HER HOME: She takes care of her household, ensuring that it is clean and healthy for her family (Titus2:5). She doesn’t leave her household at the mercy of maids and she teaches her children the fear of God. She has the wellbeing of her family at heart and makes it a priority to keep them happy. She wakes up early and her children call her blessed! As a woman, married or unmarried being a woman of honor is important. It doesn’t only apply to married women, you can learn as you prepare for marriage. Dress modestly, spend time in home and learn to do little things that makes a home beautiful. You can even learn how to take care of babies while preparing for marriage. Build a carrier or create an income generating business to support your future husband. Be a woman of prayer, study the Word of God and take out time to intercede for married couples you may know around. If you don’t know anything ask questions of any sort and be ready to learn. The foundation of every woman of honor is the Word of God. You’re Blessed with All
