has what they invest their energy, income, and time on. And the things we dwell
so much on becomes our priorities. It’s important to set the right kind of
priorities because it determines your vision and focus in life. Don’t be a
‘jack of all trades and a master to none’. At times it appears like you are
capable of doing virtually everything and before you know it, you are jumping
from one thing to the other and leaving things incomplete and maybe feeling
frustrated at the end of it all. Be focused, pay attention to the things you’re
good at and hold tight to your dreams and passions. I say these because
sometimes we are just living anyhow and doing just about anything, the next
thing you know is we are disgruntled with everything. Avoid giving excuses for
not doing some things, don’t blame others for your shortcomings and don’t
procrastinate. Be bold and smart enough to see beyond your physical or
immediate environment. These are some things that can guide us in setting the
right priorities in life.
COMMITMENT: Commitment
is a luxury some people feel they can’t afford. Even the things of God are
secondary to them. The Bible says, in God we live and move and have our being.
He is the creator of mankind and everything we see even those things we hold
tight to, He created them. He is our source of livelihood and He is our
sustainer. Give God your time, resources, energy etc. I am not saying you
should go lock yourself up in a room asking God to show you His face. Nope!
Take time to study the Word of God and pray. Give your tithe and offering
because it is used for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No matter how
busy your life gets, make God your top priority and let His Word be your
standard of existence. Don't forget that your job or area of service in your community is not left out because the world has got to see Christ in every sphere of our lives.
There’s a popular saying that ‘if you are not grateful for little things, you
won’t be for big things’. Some people have a false notion that when you give,
it’s because you have in excess. That I will say is quite erroneous on their
part because it is in man to be selfish and unsatisfied. There’s always
something to do especially with money and even when you save it, it’s for a
purpose. But, it’s not about money; it’s all about time, love, friendship,
service etc. Someone does something for you and you lack even the courtesy to
say ‘thank you’. God has given us everything we will ever need in His Son Jesus
Christ, eternal life, adoption as sons in His family, His love, Grace, Mercy and more.
It’s just enough to say “THANK YOU LORD JESUS” as often as you can. Your inheritance
as a co-heir with Christ is more than you imagine and there’s always something
to be thankful for. What you don't appreciate will depreciate and so all that we have deserves appreciation.
WALK IN LOVE: Love is all that God is. In God, we walk in
love but that’s not the case with many of us believers. We always want to love
those who love us and hate some for lame reasons. When Jesus revised the Ten
Commandments he said love your neighbor as you love yourself. Know why? Because
if you love your neighbor, you won’t kill him, steal from him, you won’t covet
his wife and you won’t even criticize or judge him. We seek to love those we
stand chances of gaining something from and this to me is not love. Let your
love towards everyone be pure and unselfish.
BE AT PEACE WITH EVERYONE: Some of us shout ‘halleluiah’ in church and at home we are the reason
why the neighbors are fighting. We try to act all perfect and righteous, misjudging
our neighbors. Be at peace with everyone you meet, show them the love of God,
be intentional because it in your new nature to love (new man in Christ). Let
the peace of God’s Word be the first, you dwell on. Let His Son, Jesus be your Mirror.
LIVE A LIFE OF HONOR: Honor is a very important priority. Honor and respect go together.
Honor the people in authority over your life i.e. parents, ministers of the
Gospel, friends and family. Honor every set institution, marriage,
relationships etc. A life of honor is a life of success. Don’t forget to give
honor to yourself in the sense that you avoid lose ways of living.
YOUR CHOICE OF FRIENDS: Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are” is a popular
saying which speaks volumes. ‘Birds of a feather flock together’ and it’s easy
to be influenced especially negatively; bad habits spread. Bad company has been
the reason why many have walked out of the faith. It all started with hanging
out with people who think differently from you. Never say you are strong and
you can hardly be influenced. Make friends with godly boys and girls; people
who are not ashamed of their identity as believers. Be friends with people who will
encourage you to be the godly woman or man that you are. Any friendship or
relationship that makes you put God as secondary or even tertiary is not worth
your time as a believer.
define your vision in life. The Bible describes it as “where your heart is,
that is where your treasure is( Matthew 6:21). Set your mind wholly on God,
from Him alone comes your success in life. Honor the relationships he has
placed in your life especially spiritual authorities, don’t esteem yourself better than others, and avoid envy,
competition or grudges. Let your words bless and not the other way round. Be
honest, humble, and simple and don’t forget to always smile.
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