We are a few days away from the new year, Christmas was
great and we received many gifts and there was so much fun. We spent time with
loved ones and had enough to share together ; there was laughter, food and
drinks, love etc. We had prepared almost the whole year for this, for some
people it was like the height of the year and they are taking stock of all
their achievements and how far they have come. I’m not against you doing that
but they are times when carrying out this exercise makes you miss quite a lot
of things. When your focus during the year is one of taking stock at the end of
the year of your failures and victories you miss how important each moment of
the year has been. I agree with you that you are heading into a new year but
God’s grace has been an everyday thing and so celebrate every day as if it were
a new year. We will never go back to time passed and the more we anticipate
about the future we become anxious of what it will bring which might cause a
troubled and worried spirit inside of us.
I encourage each one
of us to reflect more on pointing people to Christ in diverse ways. Making
Jesus Lord over all our life’s decisions and giving Him glory in all that we
do. Never underestimate any thing you are doing for the spread of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ because everyone may not believe it but that one person who will
believe in the Lord Jesus will preach and thousands will come to the saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ.. Get into the ‘New Year’ with an attitude of thankfulness
and rejoicing, be ready always to celebrate the Grace available to face each
day and let God do what He plans to do in your next moments. Come to terms with
the fact that God is your nourisher and sustainer, He created everything and He
has given them to you. You are and heir of Salvation and a co-heir with Christ
Jesus. Match forward into revelation knowledge of your identity in Christ
Jesus, refuse to be swayed by any wind of doctrine and give yourself to be
taught by the Holy Spirit. You are moving forward with rejoicing because your
future is great in Christ Jesus, your life is preserverd in Him and your life
is hid with Christ in God. You cannot be defeated or confuse because God is
leading you by His Spirit at work in you. The circumstances around you don’t
define your future. Don’t anticipate but celebrate because the Father has given
all things in His Son Jesus Christ.
You are Blessed with All Blessings !!!
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