As a single
person, you have quite a number of expectations about the person you hope to
marry. At times, the silliest kind of thoughts come to your mind. We do not
only become anxious about it, we tend to imagine that the person is perfect.
Well, i am not here to disappoint you but please always remember that the
person is just as flawed as you. They have fears and insecurities, they have
habits they want to break, they may also be weak in more areas than you
anticipated. This is when maturity sets in ; how do you walk with them as they fight these fears,
insecurities or as they try to break these habits. Maturity is an absolute
necessity for marriage ; i must say. It has nothing to do with age or
size. Yes, we all want to share our lives with someone, we want to love and
care for them in a special way but what does it take to have a successful
marriage ? Divorce is rampant nowadays or there are many married people
just living together maybe for the sake of their kids. Others have resorted to
very cheap and demeaning behaviors because of what they call ‘frustration’ in
marriage. If you look at it keenly, they left a chunk of important things
unchecked ! These are five areas of maturity that i believe should be checked before
SPIRITUAL MATURITY : In Amos 3 :3 we see that two people can not work together unless
they agree. Spiritually you must both be born again and given wholly to the
Word of God ! An ardent believer in Jesus cannot marry and unbeliever
because their priorities don’t match. Christians from time to time take the
risk but it always turns out disappointing. They find themselves blaming God for letting
them go ahead with such a marriage. You don’t gamble with decisions regarding
your future as a believer. You have the Holy Spirit in you is giving you
confirmations of what the Father has said about your life. Any decision you
want to take start with God and deny to let your senses decide for you. Before
marriage could develop there must be a spiritual bond . Mind you, i’m not
talking about social media ‘believer-hood’. On social media everyone is a born
again for several reasons and so watch out for social media christianity. I
mean you both fellowship in a church/ministry, you both have personal times
given to prayer and Bible study, even when you talk Christ is most what you talk about. Encourage one another with the Gospel and talk about your challenges and strengths. The
spiritual aspect of marriage comes first for any believer (Psalm
127 :1).
PHYSICAL MATURITY : There's an old saying in my language which can be paraphrased as "A child cannot give birth to a child". A child cannot get married but in some cultures they do which is
unacceptable. Their physically their bodies have not developped to take certain
conditions. Some physical changes have not taken place creating room for growth
in an adult way.
MENTAL MATURITY : The bible says in 1 Corinthians 13 :11(NIV), When I was a child, I
talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I
became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. Yes, there comes a time
when you keep aside all those things you did immaturely like a child and be a
man or woman. Remember, i said age or muscular bodies, or grey hair has nothing
to do with this. There are people with these physical qualities who talk and
reason like babies. Children are selfish and always expect reward when they do
something for you. They are always indecisive and so others often decide for them.
They speak without thinking and can hardly be discreet. Children always expect
to be right even when they go wrong ! Another silent characteristic of
children is that , they always want life to revolve around them. These are
various character traits that we find in some adults and you realise that these
people rarely take responsibilities for their actions. If you meet someone with
these child-like characteristics be watchful because you just might be hanging
out with a man-child.
Some people are introverts and they will say they are not good at interacting
with people. Some people behave badly when they meet people they don’t know.
Some are proud, others are seeking to be noticed just the wrong, while others
can’t stop flirting with just anyone. Some men discuss immoral topics with their
female colleagues/friends, while some women think showing their bare thighs or breasts will
make men fall for them and love them. Outside the church ‘house’ our character is
sometimes a great contrast compared to that all ‘holy’ sister or brother. Some
are not only unkind to the needy but very rude to them ; if you don’t want
to help, pass peacefully and quietly. Some people cannot greet their neighbors
or colleagues at work. Some people go as far as partaking in senseless gossip
to make another person feel low(2 Timothy 2:16) ! These are our Christian
folks and in church we all want to point people to Christ. When you meet
such a person tell them what they are doing wrong and also pray for them to do what
is right.
FINANCIAL MATURITY: This has nothing at all to do with huge and foreign bank accounts but
how responsible they are with money. Everyone spends their money on something
they feel is important to them and sometimes those things may not be a necessity
or of any importance to you and yet they spend money their on it. You are not marrying
someone to dictate how they spend their money but families have ended up in
huge debts and even losing so much because of money poorly managed. While
some men gamble with their money, some women are shopping their brains out. I
am not against shopping but becoming a shopaholic needs some redressing. At
times they are not shopping for the right reasons; simply to show off amongst
their peers and yet they have house rents and other bills to pay. Some
Christians don’t give for the spread of the Gospel but they have lots of things
they keep buying which they don’t necessarily
have need of. Some people don’t have a paying job and yet they don’t want to
get one ‘we are under grace, things come to us and not the other way round’
they say to themselves. Some move from job to job all in the name of looking
for a better job. They are not stable and they do not seem to realize that
employers don’t want unstable and unserious people.
I am not
trying to condemn or criticize anyone but it is important to note that the kind
of priorities you set for yourself will determine how you will carry on with
life. You need to come to that place where you put minor in the minor and major where it's top priority. That alone in itself will determine how successful or unsuccessful you
turn out. Grow up, be real with life. Forget about thinking and not doing,
start doing. Be focused as a man, remember you will head a home and as a woman
you will co-head with your husband. Be hospitable even to strangers (Genesis
24: 16-24); be firm, hardworking and ever ready to learn. Be friendly and smile
always, relax and be you. Be willing to help where need arises and do it
gladly. It’s mature too!!!
wow thank God for u am so blessed
ReplyDeleteThanks sis, You're blessed with blessings in Christ Jesus!!!