Last night before I went to bed, I decided to write down something the Holy Spirit was laying in my heart regarding Grace. I stayed quiet while listening to what the Holy Spirit was saying and when I looked at what I was writing I was amazed because it was so deep and filled with so much wisdom.  The base of what He was teaching me was GRACE. Grace is God giving Himself to us and what the Holy Spirit essentially wanted me to understand is that, to enjoy all that has been freely to you by the Father in His Son Jesus Christ you must understand GRACE. Grace is given to us freely, we didn't work or earned it,God did everything through Christ Jesus and we are the beneficiaries of His saving works. Grace is Jesus becoming all that we are that we might become like Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). In this regard, we have to relate with every domain of life from the person and finished works of Jesus. He became incarnate as our replacement, He died as our replacement, was buried as our replacement, was raised from the dead as our replacement, ascended on high and is seated on the right hand of the Father with us and as us. When it comes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ repetition is an absolute necessity and I love that.

Never forget for once that everything you are and will ever have, comes from the Father alone. Acknowledge consciously always that everything you have, has been given to you by God our Sustainer and provider. When you start thinking that the things you have are as a result of something you did, you are setting yourself up for dissatisfaction. When you walk believing that you eat because you work or you have certain things because you earned them, you will always want more and never feeling satisfied. The Bible says we have all things in Christ Jesus, I believe it is totally literal and not metaphoric. Refuse to acquaint yourself with the thought that you can never have all things because you already do. Where Grace is concerned, you don’t need to add anything to it and don’t look at material possessions as the basis to define the efficacy or accuracy of Grace. Jesus even said blessed is the one who has not seen but has believed because the things you haven’t seen but believe you already have them will find their way to you. Don’t fall in the trap of looking at material things to define how blessed you are. Because God said you have it all, you have it. There are times when we feel the things we get in life is because we worked for or is because we are good people. No way! Everything we have has been bestowed on us by Our Ever Living Father whose love for us can never be explained in human terms to it’s full degree. He purposed in Himself all that we are in Him and He made a conscious decision delightfully to guide our lives and direct our paths, His ways are perfect and when you trust in His love, you will never falter. When you live life from the finished works of Christ, you will be able to celebrate the life of God in you wonderfully. You will be thankful for everything you are and have, and you will see your capacity and ability more in Him than in yourself. Just like this oil, Grace is always in abundance.

 You are blessed with All blessings!!!
